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KDE System Administration/PlasmaDesktopScripting/Examples

From KDE UserBase Wiki

An older set of examples for Plasma4 can be found here that demonstrate the use of various aspects of Plasma shell scripting.

Simple Examples

Advanced Examples

Iterate all widgets and print their config values

var allDesktops = desktops();
for (var desktopIndex = 0; desktopIndex < allDesktops.length; desktopIndex++) {
    var d = allDesktops[desktopIndex];
    var widgets = d.widgets();
    for (var widgetIndex = 0; widgetIndex < widgets.length; widgetIndex++) {
        var w = widgets[widgetIndex];
        print("\t" + w.type + ": ");
        var configGroups = w.configGroups.concat([]); // concat is used to clone the array
        for (var groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < configGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
            var g = configGroups[groupIndex];
            print("\t\t" + g + ": ");
            w.currentConfigGroup = [g];
            for (var keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < w.configKeys.length; keyIndex++) {
                var configKey = w.configKeys[keyIndex];
                print("\t\t\t" + configKey + ": " + w.readConfig(configKey));

var allPanels = panels();
for (var panelIndex = 0; panelIndex < allPanels.length; panelIndex++) {
    var p = allPanels[panelIndex];
    var widgets = p.widgets();
    for (var widgetIndex = 0; widgetIndex < widgets.length; widgetIndex++) {
        var w = widgets[widgetIndex];
        print("\t" + w.type + ": ");
        var configGroups = w.configGroups.concat([]); // concat is used to clone the array
        for (var groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < configGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
            var g = configGroups[groupIndex];
            print("\t\t" + g + ": ");
            w.currentConfigGroup = [g];
            for (var keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < w.configKeys.length; keyIndex++) {
                var configKey = w.configKeys[keyIndex];
                print("\t\t\t" + configKey + ": " + w.readConfig(configKey));

Print config values for each instance of a specific widget

function forEachWidgetInContainmentList(containmentList, callback) {
    for (var containmentIndex = 0; containmentIndex < containmentList.length; containmentIndex++) {
        var containment = containmentList[containmentIndex];
        var widgets = containment.widgets();
        for (var widgetIndex = 0; widgetIndex < widgets.length; widgetIndex++) {
            var widget = widgets[widgetIndex];
            callback(widget, containment);

function forEachWidget(callback) {
    forEachWidgetInContainmentList(desktops(), callback);
    forEachWidgetInContainmentList(panels(), callback);

function forEachWidgetByType(type, callback) {
    forEachWidget(function(widget, containment) {
        if (widget.type == type) {
            callback(widget, containment);

function logWidget(widget) {
    print("" + widget.type + ": ");
    var configGroups = widget.configGroups.slice(); // slice is used to clone the array
    for (var groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < configGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
        var configGroup = configGroups[groupIndex];
        print("\t" + configGroup + ": ");
        widget.currentConfigGroup = [configGroup];
        for (var keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < widget.configKeys.length; keyIndex++) {
            var configKey = widget.configKeys[keyIndex];
            var configValue = widget.readConfig(configKey);
            print("\t\t" + configKey + ": " + configValue);



Adding a widget to the System Tray

var widgetName = "org.kde.plasma.printmanager";

for (i = 0; i < panelIds.length; ++i) { //search through the panels
    panel = panelById(pids[i]);
    if (!panel) continue;

    for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < panel.widgetIds.length; tmpIndex ++) {
        appletWidget = panel.widgetById(panel.widgetIds[tmpIndex]);

        if (appletWidget.type == "org.kde.plasma.systemtray") {
            systemtrayId = appletWidget.readConfig("SystrayContainmentId");
            if (systemtrayId) {
               print("systemtray id: " + systemtrayId)
               var systray = desktopById(systemtrayId);
               systray.currentConfigGroup = ["General"];
               var extraItems = systray.readConfig("extraItems").split(",");
               if (extraItems.indexOf(widgetName) === -1) {
                   systray.writeConfig("extraItems", extraItems);

Changing a config value for each instance of a specific widget

// See previous examples for these functions.
function forEachWidgetInContainmentList(containmentList, callback) { ... }
function forEachWidget(callback) { ... }
function forEachWidgetByType(type, callback) { ... }

function widgetSetProperty(args) {
    if (!(args.widgetType && args.configKey)) {

    forEachWidgetByType(args.widgetType, function(widget){        
        var configGroups = widget.configGroups.slice(); // slice is used to clone the array
        for (var groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < configGroups.length; groupIndex++) {
            var configGroup = configGroups[groupIndex];

            widget.currentConfigGroup = [configGroup];
            if (args.configGroup && args.configGroup != configGroup) {
            for (var keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < widget.configKeys.length; keyIndex++) {
                var configKey = widget.configKeys[keyIndex];
                if (args.configKey != configKey) {
                // Delete when done debugging
                var configValue = widget.readConfig(configKey);
                var valueType = typeof configValue;
                print("" + widget.type + " (id: " + widget.id + "):");
                print("\t[" + configGroup + "] " + configKey + ": " + configValue + " (" + valueType + ") => " + args.configValue);
                // End debugging
                widget.writeConfig(configKey, args.configValue);

    widgetType: "org.kde.plasma.taskmanager",
    configGroup: "", // Optional, will search all groups for configKey if empty.
    configKey: "separateLaunchers",
    configValue: "false",