Uploads by Raghukamath
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
08:54, 26 December 2015 | Filtermask-button.png (file) | 20 KB | create filter mask in krita | 1 | |
08:49, 26 December 2015 | Layer-right-click.png (file) | 42 KB | adding mask and filter krita | 1 | |
10:49, 25 November 2015 | Lod position.png (file) | 20 KB | 2 | ||
16:46, 23 November 2015 | Inherit-alpha-krita.jpg (file) | 72 KB | inherit alpha inside and outside a group | 1 | |
15:25, 23 November 2015 | Inheritalpha.jpg (file) | 21 KB | Inherit-alpha-icon in krita | 1 | |
13:15, 6 November 2015 | Composite-layer.jpg (file) | 77 KB | layer compositing in krita | 1 | |
13:05, 6 November 2015 | Passthrough.jpg (file) | 11 KB | krita pass-through mode | 1 | |
16:43, 14 September 2015 | Index-filter-krita.png (file) | 41 KB | index color filter in krita | 1 | |
16:36, 14 September 2015 | Kiki-pixel-art.png (file) | 39 KB | Kiki pixel art painted in krita | 1 | |
16:06, 14 September 2015 | Gradient-pixelart.png (file) | 10 KB | index color filter applied to black and white greyscale in krita | 1 | |
15:50, 14 September 2015 | Layer-docker-pixelart.png (file) | 23 KB | layer docker showing pixel art layer arrangment | 1 | |
07:01, 2 September 2015 | Chaos2.jpg (file) | 88 KB | painting from chaos in krita | 1 | |
14:27, 18 August 2015 | Colorise-comics-setting.jpg (file) | 158 KB | GMIC dialog for colorise comics in krita | 1 | |
14:23, 18 August 2015 | Colorize-krita.jpg (file) | 150 KB | colorise comics layer setup krita | 1 | |
19:50, 16 August 2015 | GMIC-colorize interactive-krita.png (file) | 136 KB | GMIC colorize interactive dialog in krita | 1 | |
19:43, 16 August 2015 | Krita-GMIC-colorize-interactive.png (file) | 158 KB | GMIC colorize interactive filter in Krita | 1 | |
19:29, 16 August 2015 | Floodfill-krita.jpg (file) | 200 KB | Coloring lineart in krita with flood fill tool | 1 | |
11:03, 13 August 2015 | Color-adjustment-04.jpg (file) | 164 KB | removing blue lines from the sketch in krita step 04 | 1 | |
10:52, 13 August 2015 | Krita-coloradjustment-03.jpg (file) | 128 KB | removing blue lines from sketch in krita step 03 | 1 | |
10:47, 13 August 2015 | Coloradjustment-krita-02.jpg (file) | 138 KB | removing blue lines from sketch step 2 | 1 | |
10:38, 13 August 2015 | Coloradjustment-krita01.jpg (file) | 133 KB | removing blue lines from line-art step 01 | 1 | |
09:54, 13 August 2015 | Krita-levels.jpg (file) | 41 KB | Levels Dialog box in Krita | 1 | |
14:17, 7 August 2015 | Pepper-speedpaint-deevad.jpg (file) | 581 KB | Speed paint by David Revoy. CC-BY - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | 1 | |
18:51, 31 July 2015 | Creating-bundle.png (file) | 46 KB | Create bundle dialog box in krita | 1 | |
18:01, 31 July 2015 | Manageresources.png (file) | 53 KB | Resource management section in Krita | 1 | |
16:55, 31 July 2015 | Tags-krita.png (file) | 43 KB | Dropdown for adding tags in krita | 1 | |
16:29, 31 July 2015 | Brushpreset-filters.png (file) | 33 KB | Picture highlightin filtering option in brush preset docker | 1 | |
11:19, 28 July 2015 | Infinite-canvas.jpg (file) | 130 KB | Image showing the arrow which helps to extend canvas in krita | 1 | |
16:51, 18 July 2015 | Krita-types-of-layers.png (file) | 93 KB | layer types | 1 | |
16:00, 18 July 2015 | Types-of-layers-krita.png (file) | 93 KB | Reverted to version as of 15:58, 18 July 2015 | 5 | |
15:34, 18 July 2015 | Multiplewindow.png (file) | 279 KB | 1 | ||
15:23, 18 July 2015 | Dockers.png (file) | 58 KB | 1 | ||
07:12, 14 July 2015 | Canvas-krita.jpg (file) | 165 KB | 1 | ||
06:59, 14 July 2015 | Pixels-brushstroke.png (file) | 9 KB | 1 | ||
08:42, 13 July 2015 | Alpha-icon.png (file) | 1 KB | Reverted to version as of 18:04, 12 July 2015 | 4 | |
15:33, 12 July 2015 | Canvas-color.jpg (file) | 36 KB | Option to select canvas color in new document dialog of krita | 1 | |
08:58, 11 July 2015 | Brushtool.jpg (file) | 10 KB | 1 | ||
08:45, 11 July 2015 | Krita start.png (file) | 460 KB | 2 | ||
16:34, 31 March 2015 | Krita-docker-lock.png (file) | 1 KB | Docker lock icon | 1 | |
15:44, 31 March 2015 | Krita newfile.png (file) | 82 KB | New file dialog box for krita 2.9 | 1 | |
18:14, 17 January 2015 | Krita-pallete.jpg (file) | 103 KB | 1 | ||
17:05, 17 January 2015 | Advancecolorselector.jpg (file) | 61 KB | 1 |