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Kexi/Handbook/References/Toolbar Commands/The Form Design Toolbar

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The Form Design Toolbar

From the Form Design toolbar, you can select widgets to add to your form. All widget items on the toolbar act as toggle buttons. Toggling a button switches to a mode that allows you to place a new widget anywhere on your form by clicking on the form's surface.

Pointer switches to widget selection mode. In this mode, you can select any form widget by clicking it. You can then resize, move, delete, copy, or change its properties in the Property Editor.
A Label widget displays textual information on a form. It is typically used as a label next to a data-aware widget.
Text Box
A Text Box widget is a single-line container that allows you to enter text, which can be saved to the database table.
Text Editor
A Text Editor widget is a multi-line container that allows you to enter text, which can be saved to the database table field.
Combo Box
A Combo Box widget displays a list of values for the user to choose from. The selected value or its index can then be saved to the database table field.
Check Box
A Check Box widget displays a Yes/No, True/False or Yes/Unknown/No value that can be saved to the database table field and allows you to select one of them.
Image Box
An Image Box widget is a container for an image, either read-only or allowing the user to select and save an image to the database table field.
A Button allows the user to execute an action upon clicking.
A Frame widget displays a frame that can organize one or more other widgets.
Group Box
A Group Box widget displays a frame with a title text on top and can organize one or more other widgets.
Tab Widget
A Tab Widget provides a tab bar and a page area used to display pages related to each tab. The tab bar is typically shown above the page area, with each tab corresponding to a different page. Only the current page is visible in the page area, while all other pages are hidden. The user can display a different page by clicking its tab.
A Line is used as a logical separator between different parts of a form.
Web Browser
A Web Browser widget is a container for a web page, which can be read-only, local, or internet-based, and allows browsing. The web page address can be stored in a database table field.

A Slider widget displays a value from a minimum-maximum range and allows the user to select a different value from this range, and can be saved to the database table field.
Progress Bar
A Progress Bar widget displays feedback about the duration and progression of a process or task, indicating how long the user will be waiting. The value can be retrieved from the database table field.
Link Button
A Link Button allows the user to execute an action upon clicking, like a standard button, but can also display additional text.
Date Picker
A Date Picker widget displays a date value and allows the user to select a different date and save it to the database table field.
Assign Action
Assign Action is used to assign an action to be executed when user clicks on a button.