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Full web development with one-click previews

Quanta Plus was a web development tool.

Quanta shows project and editor


Adding Encoding inside Quanta Toolbars

  • Open Quanta Plus
  • Go to the Settings -> Configuration Toolbars menu
  • Select KatePartView Toolbar
  • Add Encoding to the right side in clicking on left arrow
  • Choose a beautiful icon if you want
  • Click on OK

How to use kdesvn (SVN) within Quanta

  • Make sure kdesvn is installed and working
  • Open Quanta Plus
  • Select Settings -> Configure Plugins...
  • Select Add...
  • Fill in values: Name -> kdesvnpart;

  • Select an icon if desired;
  • Output window -> Editor window (I prefer this);
  • File name -> kde3/libkdesvnpart.la;
  • Input -> Project Folder

  • Click OK
  • If loading fails, you can try to set a tick at Read only part
  • Now kdesvnpart should be listed
  • Close window and switch back to main window
  • Select Plugins -> kdesvnpart and you will see kdesvn integrated in Quanta. Cool!

If you wish to have a toolbar icon to call kdesvnpart you have to modify your toolbar

  • Select Settings -> Configure toolbars...
  • Select toolbar Plugins Toolbar <quanta>
  • Select kdesvnpart on the left Available actions and move it to the right
  • Click on Change icon and choose the kdesvn program icon
  • Click on OK and the new icon appears right now.
