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- ==Import Wizard== <!--T:3--> Import Wizard allows to import emails, settings, addressbook and calendar data in your user account from t ...3 KB (467 words) - 17:23, 20 January 2019
- ===Importing into KMail=== This section describes various import options within '''KMail.''' ...4 KB (599 words) - 17:30, 20 January 2019
- ...ання можна або за допомогою засобу запуску програм або з вікна програми '''KMail''' за допомогою пункту меню {{Warning_(uk)|Перш ніж виконувати імпортування даних, завершіть роботу '''KMail''', оскільки деякі з додатків імпортування вносять зміни до файла налаштува ...5 KB (91 words) - 17:47, 17 February 2019
- ===Import-Assistent=== ...t erlaubt es E-Mails, Einstellungen, Adressbücher und Kalenderdaten in ihr KMail-Postfach aus den folgenden E-Mail-Programme zu importieren: ...3 KB (445 words) - 16:27, 24 October 2020
- === Import til KMail === Dette afsnit beskriver '''KMails''' forskellige funktioner til import. ...4 KB (612 words) - 17:30, 20 January 2019
- ==Import Options ... == ===Importing into KMail=== ...4 KB (597 words) - 17:30, 20 January 2019
Page text matches
- information see the [[Special:myLanguage/KMail#Using_KMail|Using KMail]] section. ...rts for the first time you will be presented with the [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/Account Wizard|Account Wizard]] to set up email accounts. ...1 KB (154 words) - 19:40, 30 January 2019
- information see the [[Special:myLanguage/KMail#Using_KMail|Using KMail]] section. ...rts for the first time you will be presented with the [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/Account Wizard|Account Wizard]] to set up email accounts. ...1 KB (174 words) - 18:47, 30 January 2019
- information see the [[Special:myLanguage/KMail#Using_KMail|Using KMail]] section. ...rts for the first time you will be presented with the [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/Account Wizard|Account Wizard]] to set up email accounts. ...1 KB (159 words) - 19:40, 30 January 2019
- ...schauen Sie bitte auch in den [[Special:myLanguage/KMail#KMail verwenden|"KMail verwenden"]]-Bereich. Wenn Sie '''KMail''' zum ersten Mal starten wird der [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/Account Wizard|Postfach-Assistent]] automatisch gestartet. Mit diesem könne ...1 KB (162 words) - 17:04, 20 August 2020
- ==Import Options ... == ===Importing into KMail=== ...4 KB (597 words) - 17:30, 20 January 2019
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KMail 歡迎畫面]]|| '''<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> KMail 是 [[Kontact|Kontact]](KDE的個人資訊管理)的電子郵件組件。 ...4 KB (323 words) - 09:00, 3 October 2022
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KMail的欢迎屏幕]]|| '''KMail 是 [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]] 的电子邮件组件,Kontact 是 KDE 的个人信息管理套件。'' * 原生支持内嵌的 OpenPGP, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/gpg|PGP/MIME]], 和 S/MIME。 ...4 KB (332 words) - 09:15, 3 October 2022
- information se afsnittet [[Special:myLanguage/KMail#Using_KMail|Brug af KMail]]. Når '''KMail''' starter for første gang vil du møde [[Special:myLanguage/Kmail/Account Wizard|kontoguiden]], som hjælper dig med at opsætte e-mail-konti. ...1 KB (169 words) - 07:52, 25 October 2022
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KMailのようこそ画面]]|| '''KMailは[[Special:myLanguage/Kontact * Native support for inline OpenPGP, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/gpg|PGP/MIME]], and S/MIME. ...4 KB (541 words) - 14:34, 19 November 2023
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|The KMail Welcome Screen]]|| '''KMail is the email component of [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]], the integ * Native support for inline OpenPGP, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/gpg|PGP/MIME]], and S/MIME. ...4 KB (552 words) - 09:08, 3 October 2022
- ===Importing into KMail=== This section describes various import options within '''KMail.''' ...4 KB (599 words) - 17:30, 20 January 2019
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|<translate><!--T:20--> The KMail Welcome Screen</translate>]]|| '''<translate><!--T:21--> ...5 KB (626 words) - 10:20, 14 September 2023
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|የኬሜይል እንኳን ደህና መጡ ገጽ]]|| '''KMail is the email component of [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]], the integ * Native support for inline OpenPGP, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/gpg|PGP/MIME]], and S/MIME. ...4 KB (533 words) - 09:14, 3 October 2022
- ==Import Wizard== <!--T:3--> Import Wizard allows to import emails, settings, addressbook and calendar data in your user account from t ...3 KB (467 words) - 17:23, 20 January 2019
- ...аведено у розділі [[Special:myLanguage/KMail#Using_KMail|щодо користування KMail]]. ...ого запуску '''KMail''' ви побачите перед собою вікно [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/Account Wizard|майстра створення облікових записів]], призначене для налашт ...2 KB (30 words) - 13:15, 13 July 2019
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|L'écran d'accueil de KMail]]|| '''KMail est le client courriel de [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]], le gestio * Support natif pour OpenPGP, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/gpg|PGP/MIME]], et S/MIME, ...5 KB (697 words) - 19:42, 23 May 2024
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|Het KMail welkom scherm]]|| '''KMail is een email component van [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]], de geïnt * Ondersteuning voor inline OpenPGP, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/gpg|PGP/MIME]] en S/MIME. ...4 KB (564 words) - 09:07, 3 October 2022
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|Der KMail Willkommens-Bildschirm]]|| '''KMail ist die E-Mail-Komponente von [[Special:MyLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]], der i * Native Unterstützung für Inline OpenPGP, [[Special:MyLanguage/KMail/gpg | PGP/MIME]] und S / MIME. ...5 KB (604 words) - 09:02, 3 October 2022
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KMail's velkomstskærm]]|| '''KMail er email-komponenten i [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]], KDE's integr * Indbygget understøttelse af inline OpenPGP, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail/gpg|PGP/MIME]] og S/MIME. ...5 KB (635 words) - 07:44, 25 October 2022
- |[[Image:Kmail-kde4.png|thumb|265px|Layar Selamat Datang KMail]]|| '''<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> KMail adalah komponen aplikasi email dari [[Kontact]], program PIM (Personal Info ...4 KB (578 words) - 09:12, 3 October 2022