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== Qu'est-ce que Latte Dock ? Comment cela là a t'il commencé ? ==
== Qu'est-ce que Latte Dock ? Comment cela là a t'il commencé ? ==
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'''Latte Dock''' est un dock basé sur l'environnement de travail de Plasma et est un successeur direct de  [https://github.com/psifidotos/nowdock-panel Now Dock]. '''Latte''' est l'effort combiné des développeurs de [https://github.com/psifidotos/nowdock-panel Now Dock] et [https://github.com/audoban/Candil-Dock Candil Dock].
'''Latte Dock''' est un dock basé sur l'environnement de travail de Plasma et est un successeur direct de  [https://github.com/psifidotos/nowdock-panel Now Dock]. '''Latte''' est l'effort combiné des développeurs de [https://github.com/psifidotos/nowdock-panel Now Dock] et [https://github.com/audoban/Candil-Dock Candil Dock].

== Comment puis-je ajouter des lanceurs ? ==
== Which Linux distros provide "Out Of The Box" Latte Dock experience? ==

Le moyen le plus simple et le plus efficient dans la mémoire et de les déplacer avec le drag n' drop dans le gestionnaire des taches (c'est la zone avec des points et des lignes sous les fenêtres qui sont actuellement utilisées).
* [https://nxos.org/ Nitrux]
* [https://garudalinux.org/ Garuda KDE Dragonized]
* [https://xldb.techxero.com/ Xerolinux]
* [https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=bluestar Bluestar Linux]
* [https://pearos.xyz/ pearOS]

'''Astuce :''' Vous pouvez les ajouter en dehors du gestionnaire des taches. Mais cela créer des problèmes d'animation avec des tailles supérieurs à 64 pixels et c'est gourmand en mémoire.
== Comment puis-je ajouter des lanceurs ? ==
== Comment je peux ajouter des [https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appliquette Appliquettes] ? ==
Right click on your <menuchoice>Plasma desktop</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Add Widgets</menuchoice>. From the plasma widgets explorer drag n' drop any widget you want onto your Latte dock
== Comment je peux activzr le ''mode édition'' dans Latte ? ==
In '''Edit Mode''' the user can remove applets, change their ordering and access advanced settings in various areas. To enable it the user just has to show the '''Latte Settings Window'''.
== Comment je peux enlever/déplacer des appliquettes ? ==
You should go to '''Edit Mode''' (this is when the settings window is shown) and then you can drag any applet you want to be placed else where. At the same point you can also remove it by right clicking on it or by pressing the [X] button and the tooltip above the applet.
== Est-ce que je peux désactiver l'effet parabolique pour une appliquette spécifique ? ==
Aller dans le '''mode édition''' (c'est quand le fenêtre de configuration est visible) et placer le curseur de la souris sur l'appliquette spécifique. Son infobulle contient un icone de verrous que vous pouvez utiliser pour désactiver l'effet parabolique pour cette appliquette.
== My launcher and its window are not associated correctly OR my launcher is using a low-resolution icon? ==
That issue means that plasma libtaskmanager has not associated correctly your launcher and app windows with the relevant desktop file. Plasma is trying to be smart enough in order to identify correctly which desktop files are associated to specific windows but there are cases that it fails. Best way to solve this is to check the <code>StartupWMClass</code> record in the desktop file. That record should point at the proper <code>WM_CLASS</code> record at all times. For example even though Latte desktop file is called {{Path|1=org.kde.latte-dock.desktop}} its <code>StartupWMClass<c/ode> is <code>lattedock</code>. In order to identify correctly the <code>StartupWMClass</code> for an application you can use <code>xprop</code> to do so.
# Run <code>xprop</code> in command prompt
# Click on the window you are interested in
# Locate at the end of the output the record <code>WM_CLASS(STRING) =</code>
# Add the previous mentioned record in the application desktop file at the <code>StartupWMClass</code> field
e.g. for '''Gimp 2.10''' even though its desktop file is called {{Path|1=gimp.desktop}} its <code>StartupWMClass</code> is ''gimp-2.10' . <code>StartupWMClass</code> is not needed to be added for '''Gimp''' because plasma developers have taken special care to map it properly through {{Path|1=/etc/xdg/taskmanagerrulesrc}}.
== How Latte Dock (auto)starts and why a widget is provided? ==
'''Latte''' starts from the menu; there is no need to place the widget on your desktop. It is there for testing purposes. The automatic start can be enabled through <menuchoice>Settings Window</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Tweaks</menuchoice>.
== Did any other dock inspire you? How does Latte Dock compare to other docks? ==
'''Latte''' has an architecture inspired and based on Plasmashell, but we also took some inspiration from Plank eg: the Visibility modes.
== Quels sont les technologies/langages de programmation qui sont utilisés ? ==
'''Latte''' est écrit principalement en  '''Qt/QML''' et '''C++14''', mais ce projet ne serais pas possible sans [https://api.kde.org/frameworks/index.html '''KDE Frameworks 5'''].
== Ok, you convinced me to try it! How can I install it and what are its dependencies? ==
Download the sources and build '''Latte''' also remember to install the dependencies. Please read [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/blob/master/README.md README] and [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/blob/master/INSTALLATION.md INSTALLATION]. But if you have problems or doubts you can [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/issues/203 ask us].
== Which distributions have packages for it, so to install it via P.M. ? ==
Please read at the bottom of [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock Latte Dock Main Page] the [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock#from-repositories Repositories] section.

== After the launcher bouncing animation the window showing isn't smooth? ==
Le moyen le plus simple et le plus efficient dans la mémoire et de les glisser-déposer dans le gestionnaire des taches (c'est la zone avec des points et des lignes sous les fenêtres qui sont actuellement utilisées).

Try the following steps,
<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
'''Astuce :''' Vous pouvez aussi les ajouter en dehors du gestionnaire des taches. Mais cela créer des problèmes d'animation avec des tailles supérieurs à 64 pixels et c'est gourmand en mémoire.

#Go to <menuchoice>Plasma System Settings</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Applications</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Launch Feedback</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>(disable) Task Manager</menuchoice> animation
== Mon lanceur et sa fenêtre ne sont pas associés correctement OU mon lanceur utilise un icône à basse résolution ==
#If the problem remains then your application desktop file might be missing the '''StartupWMClass''' record. For Inkscape that would be: <code>StartupWMClass=inkscape</code> you can use the <code>xprop</code> program in order to identify that value correctly.

== Quels sont les options basiques de configuration ? ==
Cette anomalie signifie que '''libtaskmanager''' n'a pas associé au lanceur et à l'application le bon type de fichier concerné. Plasma essaie d'être suffisamment intelligent pour identifier correctement les types de fichiers aux applications dédiées, mais dans certains cas il peut ne pas y arriver. Le meilleur moyen pour résoudre cela est de vérifier l'enregistrement <code>StartupWMClass</code> dans le fichier du bureau. Cet enregistrement doit toujours pointer vers le bon <code>WM_CLASS</code>. Par exemple à chaque fois que le fichier Latte Dock est appelé {{Path|1=org.kde.latte-dock.desktop}}, sa classe <code>StartupWMClass</code> est  <code>lattedock</code>. De fait pour correctement identifier la <code>StartupWMClass</code> d'une application, vous pouvez utiliser <code>xprop</code>.

'''Latte''' is highly configurable. We invite you to explore and configure latte to your pleasure from the config window. 👍
'''Exemple :'''
But some special features are: Visibility, Zoom Effect and Add widgets/plasmoids from Plasma5.
# Exécutez <code>xprop</code> à partir de la ligne de commande.
# Cliquez sur la fenêtre qui vous intéresse.
# Localisez à la fin de la sortie l'enregistrement <code>WM_CLASS(STRING) =</code>.
# Ajoutez l'enregistrement pré-cité dans le fichier de bureau de l'application, au champ <code>StartupWMClass</code>.

== Where is the configuration(s) stored? ==
Par exemple, avec "Gimp 2.10", même si son fichier de bureau est appellé {{Path|1=gimp.desktop}}, sa <code>StartupWMClass</code> est "gimp-2.10". Il n'est pas nécessaire d'ajouter "Gimp" dans <code>StartupWMClass</code> depuis que les développeurs de Plasma ont particulièrement fait attention à l'associer proprement à travers {{Path|1=/etc/xdg/taskmanagerrulesrc}}.

Soyer vigilant !!!
== How can I enable Latte Global Shortcuts? ==

{{Path|1=cat ~/.config/lattedock-appletsrc}}
In most cases you need to go to <menuchoice>Plasma System Settings</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Global Shortcuts</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Latte Dock</menuchoice> and enable what shortcuts you need.

{{Path|1=cat ~/.config/lattedockrc}}
* <menuchoice>Super + Number</menuchoice> : Activate a task
* <menuchoice>Super + Ctrl + Number</menuchoice> : A new instance for a task
* <keycap>Super + `</keycap>: Rend un dock invisible visible

== Inside {{Path|1=~/.config/lattedock-appletsrc}} I see various stuff. Can you explain a little the idea behind those? ==
== Est-ce que je peux utiliser ma touche super pour ouvrir le lanceur d'applications? ==

Config is organized based on ''Containments'' (eg <code>[Containments][1]</code>). Each of those have a number to distiguish one from the other and each one also has different blocks of options. That's where `applets` come in to play and each `Containment` has its applets (usually one - <code>[Containments][1][Applets][2]</code>).  So it goes like:
* The official way to enable this is to right click <menuchoice>Dock</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Configure Latte...</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Enable autostart during startup</menuchoice>

* The manual way is to <menuchoice>Close Latte</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Execute in command prompt:</menuchoice> {{Input|1=<nowiki>kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.lattedock,/Latte,org.kde.LatteDock,activateLauncherMenu"
Now, applet-2 maybe a series of launchers, a Plasma Widget, anything. Each and every applet also has multiple blocks of configuration. A block might be for generic ''applet'' configuration (eg <code>[Containments][1][Applets][2]</code>) or about some more specific options (eg <code>[Containments][1][Applets][2][Configuration][General]</code>).
As you can tell we can't write all about those numerous options, but here is the deal: You can tweak every applet seperately, you can change the appereance order of applets with <code>appletOrder=No_of_Applet;No_of_Another</code>, under <code>[Containments][1][General]</code>* , you can manually change the <menuchoice>iconSize</menuchoice> in the same block, if want <menuchoice>shadows</menuchoice>, what the <menuchoice>zoomLevel</menuchoice> has to be and etc. A '''sample''' is provided [http://pastebin.ca/3772307 here] to see for your self.
* You see, it ''contains'' all the other applets and you tweak under ''general'' options
== What are some expert configuration options to never mess with? ==
None is forbiden, as long as you take ''frequent backups'' of your configuration. Use [https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-add-jobs-to-cron-under-linux-or-unix-oses/ cron] or similar software to automate the procedure and place them in an safe place.
== How can I enable the Latte Global Shortcuts? ==
In most cases you need to go at <menuchoice>plasma systemsettings</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Global Shortcuts</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Latte Dock</menuchoice> and enable what shortcuts you need.
* <keycap>Super + No</keycap>: Activate a task
* <keycap>Super + Ctrl + No</keycap>: A new instance for a task
* <keycap>Super + `</keycap>: Show a hidden dock
== Can I use my '''super key''' to open the app launcher? ==
First make sure '''Latte Dock''' is not open.
===Option 1:===
Of course you can but you will need to add at your {{Path|1=~/.config/kwinrc}} file the following code:
Then reload KWin with:
{{Input|1=qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure}}
===Option 2:===
Alternativily you can run the following commands:
{{Input|1=<nowiki>kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.lattedock,/Latte,org.kde.LatteDock,activateLauncherMenu"
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure</nowiki>}}
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure</nowiki>}}

== Latte v0.8 deactivates <menuchoice>Borderless Maximized</menuchoice> Windows from Active Window Control plasmoid, what can I do ? ==
== Launchers are disappearing before the relevant window is shown even though they shouldn't. ==
Latte v0.8 supports <menuchoice>BorderLess Maximized</menuchoice> Windows per layout simultaneously. In order for this to work it had to support that feature internally. You can try the following:
# Disable <menuchoice>BorderLess Maximized</menuchoice> Windows from <menuchoice>Active Window Control</menuchoice>
# Go to <menuchoice>Latte Settings</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Layouts</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Choose tab (Preferences)</menuchoice> and enable <menuchoice>Support borderless maximized windows in different layouts</menuchoice>
# Return to your layouts and a new column called <menuchoice>Borderless</menuchoice> must have been added, add a check mark in that column for the layout you want that feature and click <menuchoice>Apply</menuchoice>

== Ok now Latte can't launch. Is there any sample config to restore to? ==
We are acquainted with this, but this behavior is provided by plasma's '''libtaskmanager'''. You can read more at: [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/issues/72 Latte Issue #72], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=368386 KDE bug report]

You have been told to take backups. Unfortunatelly unless you post your configuration to get help, little can be done now; just `killall -9 latte-dock`, delete your configuration and restart Latte in order to reconfigure it. A configuration exists [here](http://pastebin.ca/3772307) but it's most likely useless to you.
== My left dock behaves strangely from Plasma 5.10 onwards, how can I fix this? ==

== Can I tweak things like Dock's distance from the screen's border? ==
In Plasma 5.10, the KWin developers introduced gesture functionality for touch screens, which is enabled by default for all systems. You can disable it through plasma <menuchoice>System Settings</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Workspace Behavior</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Touchscreen</menuchoice>. Relogin your plasma session if the change doesn't take effect immediately.
You can minimize the distance, but not directly tweak it. Go to <menuchoice>Latte Setting</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Tweaks</menuchoice> and select <menuchoice>Shrink thickness margins</menuchoice>
== Are there preloaded layouts for Latte v0.6? ==
In Latte v0.7 the layouts have been added by default in Appearance page. For previous v0.6 the users can use [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/files/888568/MyProfiles.zip Preloaded Layouts] file, that contains four of the most used layouts '''(Default, Unity, Plasma, Favourite)'''
== Can I tweak a launcher's ico or its command parameteres? ==
You could set it up at you plasma environment and drag n' drop it onto your Latte dock
== Can I rearrange misplaced launchers and applets through the configuration files? ==
If you misplaced a '''launcher''' (or a whole applet), open {{Path|1=~/.config/lattedock-appletsrc}}. Search your launcher and decide where you want to place it. Cut {{Input|1=;file:///usr/share/applications/myapp.desktop}} (yes, the semicolon too) and paste it after the launcher - and its semicolon - you wish. '''Be very careful'''; Only the last launcher doesn't need a semicolor afterwards! So if you are copying your launcher between two others, you have to make sure that both ''before and after'' your launcher, a semicolon exists. Let's see an example; let's say you need to copy `transmission-qt` launcher:
If what you want to reposition is a whole '''applet''', rather than a launcher in an applet, you will find `appletOrder` very usefull. Just note your applet's number and change the order in which applets are written in the previously mentioned option. Have I mentioned to keep a backup before you edit? I did now.
== What effects does Latte Dock provide? Can launchers rotate, shake or dim when clicked? ==
Latte only has the zoom effect and the shadows, but we are very concerned about delivering an excellent user experience.
== How can someone shutdown ''any'' effect, so the icons do absolutely nothing when clicked? ==
You can disable all animations through <menuchoice>Latte Configuration Window</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Appearance</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Animations</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>None</menuchoice>
== Launchers are disappearing before the relevant window is shown even though they shouldnt. ==
We know but this behavior is provided by '''plasma libtaskmanager'''. You can read more at: [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/issues/72 Latte Issue #72], [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=368386 KDE bug report]
== I set Animations to <menuchoice>None</menuchoice>, but when clicking on an launcher its icon is momentarily disappeared. ==
This bug is ''already'' fixed in current master and will be included in the next (0.6.0) release. So all you have to do is <code>git pull</code> the latest changes of master, or wait for the next stable version if you like so.
== Some applets in my dock are shown too small from ''Plasma 5.10'' and beyond, can I fix this? ==
In Plasma 5.10, the plasma developers decided that the applets in the panels should have a maximum size that they shouldnt overcome. You can change this at plasma <menuchoice>systemsettings</menuchoice>-> <menuchoice>Icons</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Advanced</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Panel</menuchoice> -> set a size of 256px.
== My left dock behaves strangely from ''Plasma 5.10'' and beyond, can I fix this? ==
In Plasma 5.10, the kwin developers introduced the gestures functionality for touch screens which is enabled by default for all systems. You can disable it through plasma <menuchoice>systemsettings</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Workspace Behavior</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Touchscreen</menuchoice>. Relogin your plasma session if the change doesnt take effect immediately.

[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382219 KWin bug report] [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=392464 Plasma bug report]
[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382219 KWin bug report] [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=392464 Plasma bug report]

== So far so good, but Wayland is the future. What the plans are on this? ==
== Is there a way to tell Latte Dock to launch only in '''Plasma Session''' ? ==
We plan it for Plasma 5.10, but we are working from now on to offer experimental support
== When support for Wayland is provided, will Latte Dock remove it's auto magical dependency of X11? ==
It's still a long way off for Wayland to replace X11, but it's possible to build '''Latte''' without dependencies X11, however we are still working on supporting Wayland.
== As of writing this F.A.Q. , what is the problem with Qt5.8? ==
If you are brave enough to mess with technical details, you may want to look [https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/issues/183 here] and [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-59044 here]
== Is there a way to tell Latte Dock to launch only for a Plasma session ? ==

Of course you can, please follow these steps:
Of course you can, please follow these steps:

# Go to <menuchoice>Plasma System Settings</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Startup and Shutdown</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Autostart</menuchoice>
# Go to <menuchoice>System Settings</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Startup and Shutdown</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Autostart</menuchoice>.
# Choose '''Latte Dock''' from applications list
# Choose '''Latte Dock''' from the applications list.
# <menuchoice>Advanced</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Autostart only in Plasma</menuchoice>
# <menuchoice>Advanced</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Autostart only in Plasma</menuchoice>.

== Is there any other hickup or potential problem I should be careful of? ==
== Qu'est-ce qui ce passe si je glisse-dépose des fichiers sur le lanceur ? ==

Software as everything else in life, isn't perfect; we constantly try to make a better software and you can help
The file will be passed as a parameter to the specific application, creating a new instance (e.g. passing an image to '''Kolourpaint''' will open the image with '''Kolourpaint''').
us out with this by reporting every possilbe problem you may find. To answer the question though, there isn't a bug serious enough to prevent you from trying '''Latte Dock'''.

== Are there any hopes and wishes for features from the Plasma upstream? ==
== My right click does not work ? ==

The most important feature needed from KWin in wayland is the distrors to provide access at kwayland's priviliged apis ''(and/or)'' for the users, a confirmation from them that Latte requests such apis
When right-click does not work both for applets and tasks it means that your Latte has not been built with the same KDE Frameworks libraries like Plasma Desktop. The only solution is either your distro to update its Latte package properly or to build Latte by yourself.

== How often new versions will be released and what are your plans? ==
== How can I set the maximum icon size for applets in Plasma panels? ==  

The first priority to release a stable version is for all the needed features to have been implemented and no major crashes to appear. So we try to keep the schedule but on the other hand ''it will be ready when it is ready''.
If you want to set 192px. as maximum icon size for applets in panels you can execute:

== I am a complete newbie but I want to help you somehow. What can I do? ==
{{Input|1=<nowiki>kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group PanelIcons --key Size "192"</nowiki>}}

As we write this F.A.Q. much help is needed to make '''Latte''' stable with multiscreen setups. You could clone the
In the previous example, any plasma applets larger than 192px. are going to use their full Desktop representation when are placed inside panels.
`multiscreens` branch and report back any issues. Also normal bug reports, reports about problems with specific Plasma or Qt versions, strange desktop behavior or even wishes about new features are all welcome :-)

== I know how to program. What can I do? ==
== How can I improve CPU usage? ==  

First step is to know what you are after and then to `fork` this repo; after that you can hunt bugs, add new features - or make more stable those already existing. Discuss your changes and if they are good and reasonable enough, we are more than happy for your pull request.
Latte, in general, has as a focus to provide maximum configurability and performance, so all its graphics and animations are set to BEST values...

== How can I install from the current master branch ? ==
An easy and known solution if you want better CPU usage it to DISABLE tasks/applets shadows. Latte is using DropShadow qml element extensively and it is quite costly. To disable all shadows in a dock, you can do:

You can easily, download and instal from the last master branch by running a script with commands:
'''Right click Dock -> Edit Dock... -> Effects -> "Shadows" [disable that options group from its header]'''

{{Input|1=<nowiki>git clone https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock.git`
In my system, when using the parabolic effect, ''CPU usage is dropped around 75%''
cd Latte-Dock
sh install.sh</nowiki>}}

The last command might ask for your root password, just before installing.
== My badge counters do not work in Latte Dock. How can I fix it? ==

== How can I install from a specific branch ? ==
Please make sure you have libunity installed. On KDE versions of Ubuntu such as Kubuntu and KDE Neon, you will need <code>libunity-dev</code> installed.

If you wish test some features currently non existing in ''master'' branch, you have to ''checkout'' the branch you wish to install. Let's say you need the ''multi2'' branch:
== How can I autocolor my Latte panel based on specific application? ==

{{Input|1=<nowiki>git clone https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock.git`
# Install <menuchoice>Latte Window Colors </menuchoice> KWin script from [https://store.kde.org/p/1290287/ KDE Store]
cd Latte-Dock
# Right click <menuchoice>Latte Panel</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Edit Panel...</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Appearance</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Colors</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>From Window</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Any Touching Window</menuchoice>
git pull
# Specify different color schemes for your applications:
git branch multi2
#* Right click <menuchoice>Window Titlebar</menuchoice>
git checkout multi2
#* <menuchoice>More Actions</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Configure Special Application Settings...</menuchoice>
git pull origin multi2</nowiki>}}
#* <menuchoice>Add Property</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Appearance and Fixes</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Titlebar color scheme</menuchoice>
#* Select <menuchoice>Force</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Choose your preferred color scheme</menuchoice>

Compile as usual.
== Can I disable autocolor for specific applet? ==

== I added the applet, but it is shown without a shadow like the rest of the icons ==
Yes, right click <menuchoice>Dock</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Edit Dock...</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Rearrange and configure your widgets</menuchoice> &rarr; <menuchoice>Disable "drop" icon</menuchoice> from mentioned applet tooltip

Well, if an applet (or more) hasn't a shadow, you should either double-check that option <menuchoice>All</menuchoice> is set under <menuchoice>Latte Settings</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Appearance</menuchoice>

== What happens if I drag 'n' drop files on launchers ? ==
== Are there any known compatibility issues with specific graphics drivers? ==

The file will be passed as a parameter to the specific application, creating a new instance (eg passing an image to kolourpaint, will open the image with kolourpaint)
If you have Intel Graphics and experience problems with rendering such as pixelated graphics, corrupt text and others, you can try changing the 2D rendering method from ''SNA'' to ''UXA''.
== Are there known compatibility issues, with some specific graphics driver? ==
If you have Intel Graphics and experiment problems with the rendering e.g. pixelated graphics, corrupt text, etc, you can try changing the rendering method 2D from ''SNA'' to ''UXA''.

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== My Dock don't show anymore when i activate the auto-hide or the dodge window feature ==
== Can I have different '''Borderless Maximized''' windows options between different layouts? ==
1. Yes, this is possible. First enable this functionality in Latte's Preferences settings:
2. Enable/Disable this functionality per layout on the Latte Layout settings afterwards.

Apparently some features from plasma can hinder the dock's ability to show itself when touching the screen border. Plasma 5.10 added the option to execute actions on swiping over a border on a touch screen. You can find this option in the system preferences under: <menuchoice>Desktop behavior</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Touch screen</menuchoice>. If you have your dock on the same border a touch gesture is activated the dock may not be able to show itself. Try deactivating the gesture on that border, then close and restart your session and check if the problem was fixed. ([https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/issues/676 #676])

Latest revision as of 23:04, 23 September 2022

←Latte Dock

Latte Dock!
Latte Dock!

Qu'est-ce que Latte Dock ? Comment cela là a t'il commencé ?

Latte Dock est un dock basé sur l'environnement de travail de Plasma et est un successeur direct de Now Dock. Latte est l'effort combiné des développeurs de Now Dock et Candil Dock.

Which Linux distros provide "Out Of The Box" Latte Dock experience?

Comment puis-je ajouter des lanceurs ?

Le moyen le plus simple et le plus efficient dans la mémoire et de les glisser-déposer dans le gestionnaire des taches (c'est la zone avec des points et des lignes sous les fenêtres qui sont actuellement utilisées).

Astuce : Vous pouvez aussi les ajouter en dehors du gestionnaire des taches. Mais cela créer des problèmes d'animation avec des tailles supérieurs à 64 pixels et c'est gourmand en mémoire.

Mon lanceur et sa fenêtre ne sont pas associés correctement OU mon lanceur utilise un icône à basse résolution

Cette anomalie signifie que libtaskmanager n'a pas associé au lanceur et à l'application le bon type de fichier concerné. Plasma essaie d'être suffisamment intelligent pour identifier correctement les types de fichiers aux applications dédiées, mais dans certains cas il peut ne pas y arriver. Le meilleur moyen pour résoudre cela est de vérifier l'enregistrement StartupWMClass dans le fichier du bureau. Cet enregistrement doit toujours pointer vers le bon WM_CLASS. Par exemple à chaque fois que le fichier Latte Dock est appelé org.kde.latte-dock.desktop, sa classe StartupWMClass est lattedock. De fait pour correctement identifier la StartupWMClass d'une application, vous pouvez utiliser xprop.

Exemple :

  1. Exécutez xprop à partir de la ligne de commande.
  2. Cliquez sur la fenêtre qui vous intéresse.
  3. Localisez à la fin de la sortie l'enregistrement WM_CLASS(STRING) =.
  4. Ajoutez l'enregistrement pré-cité dans le fichier de bureau de l'application, au champ StartupWMClass.

Par exemple, avec "Gimp 2.10", même si son fichier de bureau est appellé gimp.desktop, sa StartupWMClass est "gimp-2.10". Il n'est pas nécessaire d'ajouter "Gimp" dans StartupWMClass depuis que les développeurs de Plasma ont particulièrement fait attention à l'associer proprement à travers /etc/xdg/taskmanagerrulesrc.

How can I enable Latte Global Shortcuts?

In most cases you need to go to Plasma System SettingsGlobal ShortcutsLatte Dock and enable what shortcuts you need.

  • Super + Number : Activate a task
  • Super + Ctrl + Number : A new instance for a task
  • Super + `: Rend un dock invisible visible

Est-ce que je peux utiliser ma touche super pour ouvrir le lanceur d'applications?

  • The official way to enable this is to right click DockConfigure Latte...Enable autostart during startup
  • The manual way is to Close LatteExecute in command prompt:
    kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.lattedock,/Latte,org.kde.LatteDock,activateLauncherMenu"
    qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure

Launchers are disappearing before the relevant window is shown even though they shouldn't.

We are acquainted with this, but this behavior is provided by plasma's libtaskmanager. You can read more at: Latte Issue #72, KDE bug report

My left dock behaves strangely from Plasma 5.10 onwards, how can I fix this?

In Plasma 5.10, the KWin developers introduced gesture functionality for touch screens, which is enabled by default for all systems. You can disable it through plasma System SettingsWorkspace BehaviorTouchscreen. Relogin your plasma session if the change doesn't take effect immediately.

KWin bug report Plasma bug report

Is there a way to tell Latte Dock to launch only in Plasma Session ?

Of course you can, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to System SettingsStartup and ShutdownAutostart.
  2. Choose Latte Dock from the applications list.
  3. AdvancedAutostart only in Plasma.

Qu'est-ce qui ce passe si je glisse-dépose des fichiers sur le lanceur ?

The file will be passed as a parameter to the specific application, creating a new instance (e.g. passing an image to Kolourpaint will open the image with Kolourpaint).

My right click does not work ?

When right-click does not work both for applets and tasks it means that your Latte has not been built with the same KDE Frameworks libraries like Plasma Desktop. The only solution is either your distro to update its Latte package properly or to build Latte by yourself.

How can I set the maximum icon size for applets in Plasma panels?

If you want to set 192px. as maximum icon size for applets in panels you can execute:

kwriteconfig --file ~/.config/kdeglobals --group PanelIcons --key Size "192"

In the previous example, any plasma applets larger than 192px. are going to use their full Desktop representation when are placed inside panels.

How can I improve CPU usage?

Latte, in general, has as a focus to provide maximum configurability and performance, so all its graphics and animations are set to BEST values...

An easy and known solution if you want better CPU usage it to DISABLE tasks/applets shadows. Latte is using DropShadow qml element extensively and it is quite costly. To disable all shadows in a dock, you can do:

Right click Dock -> Edit Dock... -> Effects -> "Shadows" [disable that options group from its header]

In my system, when using the parabolic effect, CPU usage is dropped around 75%

My badge counters do not work in Latte Dock. How can I fix it?

Please make sure you have libunity installed. On KDE versions of Ubuntu such as Kubuntu and KDE Neon, you will need libunity-dev installed.

How can I autocolor my Latte panel based on specific application?

  1. Install Latte Window Colors KWin script from KDE Store
  2. Right click Latte PanelEdit Panel...AppearanceColorsFrom WindowAny Touching Window
  3. Specify different color schemes for your applications:
    • Right click Window Titlebar
    • More ActionsConfigure Special Application Settings...
    • Add PropertyAppearance and FixesTitlebar color scheme
    • Select ForceChoose your preferred color scheme

Can I disable autocolor for specific applet?

Yes, right click DockEdit Dock...Rearrange and configure your widgetsDisable "drop" icon from mentioned applet tooltip

Are there any known compatibility issues with specific graphics drivers?

If you have Intel Graphics and experience problems with rendering such as pixelated graphics, corrupt text and others, you can try changing the 2D rendering method from SNA to UXA.


section     "Device"
Identifier  "Intel Graphics"
Driver      "intel"
Option      "AccelMethod"  "uxa"

Can I have different Borderless Maximized windows options between different layouts?

1. Yes, this is possible. First enable this functionality in Latte's Preferences settings:

2. Enable/Disable this functionality per layout on the Latte Layout settings afterwards.