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* '''Support for multiple calendars and todo lists'''. Korganizer can transparently merge calendar data from different files or other calendar data sources for example calendars on the web. They can conveniently be activated, deactivated, added and removed from the graphical user interface.
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:* '''支持多种日历和 todo 列表'''。Korganizer 可以无缝的合并多个文件或其他日历格式来源(比如说 web 日历)的日历数据。它们可以方便的从图形用户界面上激活(activated)、停用(deactivated)、添加、删除。

* '''Kontact integration'''. KOrganizer is fully integrated with Kontact, the complete personal information management application. Within Kontact some additional features are available like conversion of mails to events or todos by drag and drop.
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:* '''Kontact整合'''。KOrganizer 完整的整合进 Kontact。在 Kontact 里操作,会有些额外的特性像是通过拖拽把邮件转换成事件或todos。

* '''Storage model'''. KOrganizer has a persistant calendar. The user doesn't have to take care of loading or saving the calendar. Changes are immediately saved to disk. If the calendar is changed externally it is automatically loaded and updated in the view. A locking mechanism handles concurrent access to the calendar.
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:* '''存储模型'''. KOrganizer 拥有实时的日历。用户不需要去关心载入或保存日历。数据的变更会直接保存到硬盘。如果程序外,数据有所修改,它也会自动载入并在视图中更新。一个「锁」控制机制会处理并发的日历访问。

* '''Undo and Redo'''. KOrganizer supports unlimited undo and redo.
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:* '''撤销和重做'''。KOrganizer 支持无限的撤销和重做。

* '''Todo integration with agenda view'''. Todos are shown in the week and day views. Todos can be converted to events by dragging from the todo list and dropping on the agenda view.
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:* '''Todo 与议事日程视图整合'''。Todos 显示在「周视图」和「天视图」。Todos 可以通过从 「todo 列表」拖拽到「议事日程视图」转变成事件。

* '''Attachments for events and todos'''. References to web pages, local files or mails can be attached to events and todos. The attached data can easily be accessed by a single click from the event and todo views as well as the summary view or the editors.
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:* '''事件和 todo 的附件'''。有关 web 页面、本地文件或邮件可以附加到事件和 todos。附加的数据可以很容易的从「事件视图」和「todo 视图」单击来访问,也可以从「摘要视图」或从编辑器。

* '''Quick todo entry'''. A special input field allows to quickly create a todo without needing to open an editor. This is especially handy for creating multiple todos in a row.
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:* '''快速 todo 条目'''。有个特殊的输入栏用来不打开编辑器的情况下快速创建 todo。在需要连续创建多个 todos 时尤其方便。
:* '''快速事件条目'''。有多个方法在「议事日程视图」创建事件:选定一个时间段,然后直接敲键盘可以创建即敲即建(type-ahead)的事件。程序会打开编辑器,敲的文字会直接显示在「标题」上。还可设定「在议事日程视图中选择时间范围时启动事件编辑器」,除了常规的菜单和工具栏项,还有快捷键和右键菜单也可以打开编辑器。
* '''Quick event entry'''. There are several ways to create events from the agenda view: Per type-ahead events can be created by selecting a time range and then simply starting to type. An editor will be opened and the type text will be go into the title. Optionally the event editor can be opened when the time selection is finished and in addition to the usual menu and toolbar entries there are key bindings and a context menu to start the editor dialog.  
* '''Quick event entry'''. There are several ways to create events from the agenda view: Per type-ahead events can be created by selecting a time range and then simply starting to type. An editor will be opened and the type text will be go into the title. Optionally the event editor can be opened when the time selection is finished and in addition to the usual menu and toolbar entries there are key bindings and a context menu to start the editor dialog.  

* '''Plugin for Jewish calendar dates'''. When enabled this plugin shows the Jewish calendar dates for each day in the calendar view.
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:* '''犹太教日历(Jewish)插件'''。启用这个插件便会在日历视图中显示每天的犹太教日历的日期。

* '''Print support'''. Calendars can be printed using various different styles. Printing also supports colors and overlapping events.
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:* '''打印支持'''。日历可以用多种不同样式打印出来。也支持彩色和重叠事件打印。

* [[Special:myLanguage/KMail|KMail]] directly supports transfer of invitations and other calendar attachments to KOrganizer.
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:* [[Special:myLanguage/KMail|KMail]] 直接支持移动邀请函和其他日历附件到 KOrganizer。

KOrganizer提供了事件和任务的管理,警告通知,web导出,网络透明的数据处理,群组日程安排,导入和导出日程文件等更多。他能够与多种多样的群件服务器协同工作,比如Kolab,Open-Xchange, Citadel 或是 OpenGroupware.org.  
KOrganizer提供了事件和任务的管理,警告通知,web导出,网络透明的数据处理,群组日程安排,导入和导出日程文件等更多。他能够与多种多样的群件服务器协同工作,比如Kolab,Open-Xchange, Citadel 或是 OpenGroupware.org.  
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* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Appointments|Appointments]]
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* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Alarms|Alarm Notification]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Appointments|约会]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/ToDo|To-Do List]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Alarms|闹钟提醒]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Web|Web Export]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/ToDo|待办清单(To-Do List)]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Calendar|Calendar Handling]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Web|Web 导出]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Custom|Customizability]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Calendar|日历处理]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Journal|Journal]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Custom|定制]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Future|The Future]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Journal|日记]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Future|该项目的未来]]


* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Screenshots|Screenshots]]
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* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Download|Download]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Screenshots|截图]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/ImpData|Importing Data]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Download|下载]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/News|News]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/ImpData|数据导入]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Links|Links]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/News|新闻]]
:* [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer/Links|链接]]

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这个问题进一步的解释在'''[http://lists.kde.org/?l=kdepim-users&m=122911854124038&w=2 这里]'''
这个问题进一步的解释在'''[http://lists.kde.org/?l=kdepim-users&m=122911854124038&w=2 这里]'''

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== 技巧 ==
== 技巧 ==
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* [mikemcquaid.com/2008/09/kde-blog-from-korganizer-howto/ 用KOrganizer写blog]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact/Kontact_Palm_Pre_Sync|How to sync your Palm Pre with Kontact and Google Calendar]] (outdated)

* [http://mikemcquaid.com/2008/09/27/kde-blog-from-korganizer-howto/ How to blog from KOrganizer]
* [https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/user_manual/en/groupware/sync_kde.html Synchronizing (Nextcloud) with KDE Kontact]

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== More Information ==
== More Information ==

* The [http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdepim/korganizer/ KOrganizer Handbook] is available on the KDE Documentation site.
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KDE 文档站点有 [http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdepim/korganizer/ KOrganizer 手册]

* [https://kontact.kde.org/components/korganizer.html Website]
* [https://kontact.kde.org/components/korganizer.html Website]
* [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim/ Kde-pim mailing list]
* [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim/ Kde-pim mailing list]
* [irc://freenode.net/#kontact #kontact] and [irc://freenode.net/#akonadi #akonadi] IRC channels on Freenode
* [irc://irc.libera.chat/#kontact #kontact] and [irc://irc.libera.chat/#akonadi #akonadi] IRC channels on Libera Chat

[[Category:Needs work]]
[[Category:Needs work]]

Latest revision as of 15:53, 6 October 2022

KOrganizer 是 Kontact 的日历和行程安排组件, Kontact 是来自 KDE 的整合个人信息管理套件。


  • 支持多种日历和 todo 列表。Korganizer 可以无缝的合并多个文件或其他日历格式来源(比如说 web 日历)的日历数据。它们可以方便的从图形用户界面上激活(activated)、停用(deactivated)、添加、删除。
  • Kontact整合。KOrganizer 完整的整合进 Kontact。在 Kontact 里操作,会有些额外的特性像是通过拖拽把邮件转换成事件或todos。
  • 存储模型. KOrganizer 拥有实时的日历。用户不需要去关心载入或保存日历。数据的变更会直接保存到硬盘。如果程序外,数据有所修改,它也会自动载入并在视图中更新。一个「锁」控制机制会处理并发的日历访问。
  • 撤销和重做。KOrganizer 支持无限的撤销和重做。
  • Todo 与议事日程视图整合。Todos 显示在「周视图」和「天视图」。Todos 可以通过从 「todo 列表」拖拽到「议事日程视图」转变成事件。
  • 事件和 todo 的附件。有关 web 页面、本地文件或邮件可以附加到事件和 todos。附加的数据可以很容易的从「事件视图」和「todo 视图」单击来访问,也可以从「摘要视图」或从编辑器。
  • 快速 todo 条目。有个特殊的输入栏用来不打开编辑器的情况下快速创建 todo。在需要连续创建多个 todos 时尤其方便。
  • 快速事件条目。有多个方法在「议事日程视图」创建事件:选定一个时间段,然后直接敲键盘可以创建即敲即建(type-ahead)的事件。程序会打开编辑器,敲的文字会直接显示在「标题」上。还可设定「在议事日程视图中选择时间范围时启动事件编辑器」,除了常规的菜单和工具栏项,还有快捷键和右键菜单也可以打开编辑器。
  • Quick event entry. There are several ways to create events from the agenda view: Per type-ahead events can be created by selecting a time range and then simply starting to type. An editor will be opened and the type text will be go into the title. Optionally the event editor can be opened when the time selection is finished and in addition to the usual menu and toolbar entries there are key bindings and a context menu to start the editor dialog.
  • 犹太教日历(Jewish)插件。启用这个插件便会在日历视图中显示每天的犹太教日历的日期。
  • 打印支持。日历可以用多种不同样式打印出来。也支持彩色和重叠事件打印。
  • KMail 直接支持移动邀请函和其他日历附件到 KOrganizer。

KOrganizer提供了事件和任务的管理,警告通知,web导出,网络透明的数据处理,群组日程安排,导入和导出日程文件等更多。他能够与多种多样的群件服务器协同工作,比如Kolab,Open-Xchange, Citadel 或是 OpenGroupware.org.

KOrganizer 完全可以随意定制,它是 KDE PIM 套件的主要部分,KDE PIM 套件致力于成为组织个人资料的完整解决方案。KOrganizer 支持两种存储和交换日历数据标准,vCalendar 和 iCalendar。




设定事件重现的约会时间在下周变掉了 - 我怎么处理?

「约会」的很多东西可以变,但时间这东西因为一系列「约会」的剩余时间而没法变动。(单个的例外是可以的)。KOrganizer 是用时域(time field)作为基准的,所以即使可为也行之不易。




  • [mikemcquaid.com/2008/09/kde-blog-from-korganizer-howto/ 用KOrganizer写blog]


KOrganizer is available in all major Linux distribution repositories, as tarballs, and soon a Flatpak version will also be available. Ancient versions were compatible with Windows, the Kontact team is looking for help to improve Windows support. For more information look at the Kontact download page.

Installation Instructions

If you need help to install KOrganizer, look at this tutorial about how to install KDE software.

More Information

KDE 文档站点有 KOrganizer 手册