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<span id="Introduction"></span>

Na versión 4.4 da recompilación de software de KDE, '''KAddressBook''' converteuse no primeiro aplicativo en empregar '''Akonadi'''. Existen pequenos erros no sistema inevitables nas primeiras fases da migración, e hai unha [[Special:myLanguage/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting|páxina para solucionalos]]. No [[Special:myLanguage/Glossary#Akonadi|glosario]] hai unha breve descrición de en que consiste '''Akonadi''', que contén ademais ligazóns interesantes para ampliar coñecementos sobre o tema. Unha vez que rematen os pequenos problemas que inevitablemente afectan a '''Akonadi''', este software permitirá que en torno a el traballen moitos aplicativos.
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A infraestrutura '''Akonadi''' consiste nunha base de datos centralizada que almacena, indexa e manexa a información persoal do usuario, para que os ''aplicativos'' poidan traballar con ela. Esta información inclúe os correos electrónicos, contactos, calendarios, acontecementos, diarios, alarmas, notas, etc. Na versión 4.4 da colección de ''software'' de KDE, [[Special:myLanguage/KAddressBook|KAddressBook]] converteuse no primeiro ''aplicativo'' en empezar a empregar a infraestrutura '''Akonadi'''. Na versión 4.7, [[Special:myLanguage/KMail|KMail]], [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer|KOrganizer]], [[Special:myLanguage/KJots|KJots]] e outros ''aplicativos'' actualizáronse para facer tamén uso de '''Akonadi'''. Ademais, un gran número de trebellos de [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma|Plasma]] empregan '''Akonadi''' para almacenar e obter acontecementos de calendarios, notas, etc.

A páxina de [[Special:myLanguage/KAddressBook/index|KAddressBook]] axudaralle a conseguir que o seu novo caderno de enderezos funcione correctamente con '''KMail'''.
Currently, all [https://kontact.kde.org/ KDE PIM applications] with the exception of [[Special:myLanguage/Akregator|Akregator]] are using '''Akonadi''' to access user's PIM data.

===Comprensión da estrutura===
<span id="Controlling_Akonadi"></span>
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==Controlar o servidor de Akonadi==

Por suposto pode limitarse a empregar '''Kontact''' para xestionar todos os seus cadernos de enderezos, pero en caso de que utilice un sistema de copias de seguridade, por exemplo, probablemente agradecerá saber onde están e como se manexan os seus datos. A páxina sobre [[Special:myLanguage/Akonadi_and_AddressBook|Akonadi e o caderno de enderezos]] resultaralle de axuda.
'''Akonadi''' will start automatically in the background when any application using it is started.  

==Consellos para solucionar erros e problemas frecuentes==
To manually start, stop or restart '''Akonadi''', you can use the <code>akonadictl</code> command from the commandline.
Using this method, you can get additional useful information on the console.

Se ten algún problema para conseguir que '''Akonadi''' funcione vótelle unha ollada á [[Special:myLanguage/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting|páxina de solución de problemas]].
Para iniciar o servidor de '''Akonadi''', execute:

Se necesita axuda para conseguir que se lle recoñezan os seus cadernos de enderezos, bótelle unha ollada á páxina de [[Special:myLanguage/KAddressBook/index|KAddressBook]].
{{Input|1=akonadictl start}}

Se ao empregar Akonadi e programas relacionados de xestión de información persoal o proceso ''vistuoso-t'' fai uso de todo o seu procesador, debería probar a seguinte solución temporal ata que o problema se investigue. Na xanela de configuración de KRunner, desactive os complementos de busca con Nepomuk e de Contactos, e despois peche a súa sesión de usuario e volva identificarse.
Para detelo:

<span class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
{{Input|1=akonadictl stop}}
Sospéitase que esa é a causa do problema. Se probou o método anterior, estaría ben que informase dos resultados, ben na sección de conversa sobre esta páxina, ben nos foros ou se pode na canle IRC #kde-www (en Freenode).
Para reinicialo cando xa estea a executarse:
{{Input|1=akonadictl restart}}
Para consultar o estado do servidor:
{{Input|1=akonadictl status}}
===Disabling the Akonadi subsystem===
The '''Akonadi''' server is automatically started by any '''Akonadi'''-enabled application. If you don't want Akonadi to be started after login, you have to ensure that no '''Akonadi'''-enabled application is launched at login or thereafter. Remember to check '''Plasma''' applets as well — the '''Digital Clock''' widget in the default panel, for instance uses '''Akonadi''' to (optionally) display calendar events and this is enabled in its settings by default (see the "Display Events" option) .  You must remove any widgets that may start it from your start-up, if you wish Akonadi to start only when you start '''KMail''' or other applications.
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{{Remember|1=Se non quere que '''Akonadi''' se execute no seu sistema, terá que evitar o uso de ''aplicativos'' que o empreguen, pois ditos ''aplicativos'' iniciarán o servidor en canto o necesiten, sen importar que vostede o desactivase. Comprobe a lista de [[Special:myLanguage/Akonadi#ApplicationTable|''aplicativos'' que empregan Akonadi]]. Teña en conta tamén que algúns trebellos, coma o reloxo dixital, tamén empregan '''Akonadi'''.}}
To ensure that '''Akonadi''' is not started, check that no applications require it at login. In particular, open the Plasma clock applet preferences, go to <menuchoice>Calendar</menuchoice> and uncheck <menuchoice>Show events</menuchoice> to prevent Plasma from requesting information from '''Akonadi''' and thus allowing it to start.
==Some Definitions==
;Real data
:By ''real data'' we mean the data, like the contacts or events. These data are stored either on a groupware server or in local files. Where exactly depends on the resource you are using. E.g. the ''Personal Contacts'' resource stores its data under ''$XDG_DATA_HOME/contacts''.
;Cached data
:The ''cached data'' are copies of the real data that are kept in the database for faster access and offline caching. The database also keeps the ''meta data'' which are management data needed by '''Akonadi''' to work correctly.
;Configuration data
:The ''configuration data'' are the data that configure the '''Akonadi''' server and the individual resources. The general configuration data for the server can be found under ''$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi''. The configuration data for each indvidual resources are stored under ''$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi_xyz_resourcerc#'' ('''''xyz''''' is name of resource and '''''#''''' its instance number).
:The '''Akonadi''' server configuration is a couple of files in ''$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi''. It contains which data sources and helper programs are active and will be started and watched (so they can be restarted on crashes) by one of '''Akonadi's''' server processes '''(akonadi_control)'''.
:Each data source handler (called resources) or helper program (called agents) can have its own configuration although some agents or resources don't require configuration. The general rule is that for every entry in ''$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi/agentsrc'' there is a corresponding configuration file in ''$XDG_CONFIG_HOME''.  For example, if the ''[Instances]'' section in ''agentrc'' contains an entry for ''akonadi_ical_resource_2'', there is also a config file called ''akonadi_ical_resource_2rc'' in the ''$XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory''.
:Depending on the type of data, such config files for resources will have filenames or directory names of where the data is stored.  Common locations are KDE's legacy default files, e.g. ''$HOME/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics''.  New default locations are files and directories in ''$XDG_DATA_HOME'', e.g. ''$XDG_DATA_HOME/contacts''.
So now we need to decide what to back up.  If you want to backup the "real data", then it depends on the resources you have configured... if you use a groupware server, then the backup should be done there. For contacts, the files under ''$XDG_DATA_HOME/contacts'' will normally be what you need.
To back up the entire ''Akonadi'' configuration, including which resources are active and their configuration, you can use the '''pimdataexporter''' tool. This, however doesn't back up the Akonadi database containing the cached data and, unfortunately, after restoring the configuration (using the '''pimdataexporter'' again), Akonadi will have to re-fetch all data again into its cache. This can cause configuration that points to actual mail folders or calendars to get broken and accidentally point to another folder.
'''After restoring configuration and syncing all data, it's vital to manually check all folder configuration, especially in KMail identities and make sure the folders are configured properly.'''
<span id="Frequently_Asked_Questions"></span>
==Preguntas habituais==
<span id="Where_is_my_data_now?"></span>
=== Onde están agora os meus datos? ===
Your data are safely stored outside of '''Akonadi''' control on your disk (e.g. local maildir folder or iCal calendar), or on a remote server (in case of e.g. email over IMAP or events from a CalDAV calendar). '''Akonadi''' will optionally store a copy of this data in its database to allow applications to quickly retrieve and display them. Any modifications done to data in the '''Akonadi''' database will be synced to the actual storage. The main advantage of using the database as a cache is that remote PIM data are available even when you are offline, and you can still interact with them (e.g. mark emails as read or move them, create new events, reschedule existing meetings etc.) and all the changes will get synced automatically once you connect to the internet again.
Thus, deleting the '''Akonadi''' database will not cause any data to be lost (as long as all pending changes are synced).
=== How to upgrade my PostgreSQL database? ===
After updating your PostgreSQL server to a new major version, sometimes you will have to convert your Akonadi database for use with this new version. Instructions can be found on [[Special:myLanguage/Akonadi/Postgres_update|this page]].
<span id="Migration_problems"></span>
=== Problemas de migración ===
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No [[Special:myLanguage/Glossary#Akonadi|glosario de termos]] hai unha sección sobre '''Akonadi''' cunha breve descrición do seu propósito, así como outras ligazóns de interese. [[Special:myLanguage/Akonadi_and_AddressBook|Estoutra páxina]] explica como configurar '''Akonadi''' e o caderno de enderezos de KDE, '''KAddressBook''', para que traballen de maneira sincronizada.
=== How do I switch from MySQL/PostgreSQL to SQLite? ===
Since Akonadi 6 [https://invent.kde.org/pim/akonadi/-/merge_requests/154 akonadi-db-migrator] is included in akonadi that allows you to switch the database backend. Where for previous versions this involved deleting and recreating the database a migration is now properly supported by akonadi.
The tool needs to be called with the parameter --newengine to chose to which backend it should to:
  --newengine <ENGINE>      The new DB engine to use. Possible values are
                            "sqlite", "mysql" and "postgres"
For example:
akonadi-db-migrator --newengine sqlite


Latest revision as of 07:04, 10 August 2024


A infraestrutura Akonadi consiste nunha base de datos centralizada que almacena, indexa e manexa a información persoal do usuario, para que os aplicativos poidan traballar con ela. Esta información inclúe os correos electrónicos, contactos, calendarios, acontecementos, diarios, alarmas, notas, etc. Na versión 4.4 da colección de software de KDE, KAddressBook converteuse no primeiro aplicativo en empezar a empregar a infraestrutura Akonadi. Na versión 4.7, KMail, KOrganizer, KJots e outros aplicativos actualizáronse para facer tamén uso de Akonadi. Ademais, un gran número de trebellos de Plasma empregan Akonadi para almacenar e obter acontecementos de calendarios, notas, etc.

Currently, all KDE PIM applications with the exception of Akregator are using Akonadi to access user's PIM data.

Controlar o servidor de Akonadi

Akonadi will start automatically in the background when any application using it is started.

To manually start, stop or restart Akonadi, you can use the akonadictl command from the commandline. Using this method, you can get additional useful information on the console.

Para iniciar o servidor de Akonadi, execute:

akonadictl start

Para detelo:

akonadictl stop

Para reinicialo cando xa estea a executarse:

akonadictl restart

Para consultar o estado do servidor:

akonadictl status

Disabling the Akonadi subsystem

The Akonadi server is automatically started by any Akonadi-enabled application. If you don't want Akonadi to be started after login, you have to ensure that no Akonadi-enabled application is launched at login or thereafter. Remember to check Plasma applets as well — the Digital Clock widget in the default panel, for instance uses Akonadi to (optionally) display calendar events and this is enabled in its settings by default (see the "Display Events" option) . You must remove any widgets that may start it from your start-up, if you wish Akonadi to start only when you start KMail or other applications.


Se non quere que Akonadi se execute no seu sistema, terá que evitar o uso de aplicativos que o empreguen, pois ditos aplicativos iniciarán o servidor en canto o necesiten, sen importar que vostede o desactivase. Comprobe a lista de aplicativos que empregan Akonadi. Teña en conta tamén que algúns trebellos, coma o reloxo dixital, tamén empregan Akonadi.

To ensure that Akonadi is not started, check that no applications require it at login. In particular, open the Plasma clock applet preferences, go to Calendar and uncheck Show events to prevent Plasma from requesting information from Akonadi and thus allowing it to start.

Some Definitions

Real data
By real data we mean the data, like the contacts or events. These data are stored either on a groupware server or in local files. Where exactly depends on the resource you are using. E.g. the Personal Contacts resource stores its data under $XDG_DATA_HOME/contacts.
Cached data
The cached data are copies of the real data that are kept in the database for faster access and offline caching. The database also keeps the meta data which are management data needed by Akonadi to work correctly.
Configuration data
The configuration data are the data that configure the Akonadi server and the individual resources. The general configuration data for the server can be found under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi. The configuration data for each indvidual resources are stored under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi_xyz_resourcerc# (xyz is name of resource and # its instance number).
The Akonadi server configuration is a couple of files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi. It contains which data sources and helper programs are active and will be started and watched (so they can be restarted on crashes) by one of Akonadi's server processes (akonadi_control).
Each data source handler (called resources) or helper program (called agents) can have its own configuration although some agents or resources don't require configuration. The general rule is that for every entry in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi/agentsrc there is a corresponding configuration file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. For example, if the [Instances] section in agentrc contains an entry for akonadi_ical_resource_2, there is also a config file called akonadi_ical_resource_2rc in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory.
Depending on the type of data, such config files for resources will have filenames or directory names of where the data is stored. Common locations are KDE's legacy default files, e.g. $HOME/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics. New default locations are files and directories in $XDG_DATA_HOME, e.g. $XDG_DATA_HOME/contacts.


So now we need to decide what to back up. If you want to backup the "real data", then it depends on the resources you have configured... if you use a groupware server, then the backup should be done there. For contacts, the files under $XDG_DATA_HOME/contacts will normally be what you need.

To back up the entire Akonadi configuration, including which resources are active and their configuration, you can use the pimdataexporter' tool. This, however doesn't back up the Akonadi database containing the cached data and, unfortunately, after restoring the configuration (using the pimdataexporter again), Akonadi will have to re-fetch all data again into its cache. This can cause configuration that points to actual mail folders or calendars to get broken and accidentally point to another folder.

After restoring configuration and syncing all data, it's vital to manually check all folder configuration, especially in KMail identities and make sure the folders are configured properly.

Preguntas habituais

Onde están agora os meus datos?

Your data are safely stored outside of Akonadi control on your disk (e.g. local maildir folder or iCal calendar), or on a remote server (in case of e.g. email over IMAP or events from a CalDAV calendar). Akonadi will optionally store a copy of this data in its database to allow applications to quickly retrieve and display them. Any modifications done to data in the Akonadi database will be synced to the actual storage. The main advantage of using the database as a cache is that remote PIM data are available even when you are offline, and you can still interact with them (e.g. mark emails as read or move them, create new events, reschedule existing meetings etc.) and all the changes will get synced automatically once you connect to the internet again.

Thus, deleting the Akonadi database will not cause any data to be lost (as long as all pending changes are synced).

How to upgrade my PostgreSQL database?

After updating your PostgreSQL server to a new major version, sometimes you will have to convert your Akonadi database for use with this new version. Instructions can be found on this page.

Problemas de migración

No glosario de termos hai unha sección sobre Akonadi cunha breve descrición do seu propósito, así como outras ligazóns de interese. Estoutra páxina explica como configurar Akonadi e o caderno de enderezos de KDE, KAddressBook, para que traballen de maneira sincronizada.

How do I switch from MySQL/PostgreSQL to SQLite?

Since Akonadi 6 akonadi-db-migrator is included in akonadi that allows you to switch the database backend. Where for previous versions this involved deleting and recreating the database a migration is now properly supported by akonadi.

The tool needs to be called with the parameter --newengine to chose to which backend it should to: {{{

 --newengine <ENGINE>       The new DB engine to use. Possible values are 
                            "sqlite", "mysql" and "postgres"


For example: {{{ akonadi-db-migrator --newengine sqlite }}}