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New page: -=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=- You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org): = Community...
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-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
==Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels==
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/ freenode] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

= Community/Support
== Community/Support==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
|* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
|* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
|* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
|* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
|* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-wiki  - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
|* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
|* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
|* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
=  Development
|* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
|* #kde-wiki  - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
|* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
|* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
|* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
|* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
|* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

= Community/Support
{| class="wikitable sortable"
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
|* #akregator - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #kde-users - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
|* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
|* #amarok.de - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #kde-freebsd - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
|* #amarok.es - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
|* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion]
* #kde-wiki  - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
|* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
|* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir - KDE in Iran
|* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
=  Development
|* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
|* #kdevelop - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
|* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
|* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
|* #kimdaba  - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
|* #koffice  - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
|* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
|* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
|* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
|* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
=  Applications
|* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
|* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
|* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
|* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
|* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):
=  Community/Support
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):
=  Community/Support
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):
=  Community/Support
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):
=  Community/Support =
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development =
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications =
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]

Revision as of 13:50, 27 August 2008

Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels

You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the freenode IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):


* #kde - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [1]
* #debian-kde - KDE on Debian [2]
* #gentoo-kde - KDE on Gentoo [3]
* #kde-freebsd - KDE on FreeBSD [4]
* #kde-be - Belgian KDE channel [5]
* #kde.de - German KDE channel [6]
* #kde-women - KDE Women [7]
* #kde-wiki - This site's - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr - KDE in French
* #kde-ir - KDE in Iran


* #akregator - Users and developers of aKregator [8]
* #amarok - Users and developers of Amarok [9]
* #amarok.de - German users and developers of Amarok [10]
* #amarok.es - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [11]
* #rokymotion - Promotion stuff of amarok [12]
* #apollon - Users and developers of Apollon [13]
* #kaxul - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [14]
* #kate - Users and developers of Kate [15]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [16]
* #kdevelop - Users and developers of KDevelop [17]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [18]
* #kexi - Users and developers of Kexi [19]
* #kimdaba - Users and developers of KimDaBa [20]
* #koffice - Users and developers of KOffice [21]
* #konqueror - Users and developers of Konqueror [22]
* #kontact - Users and developers of Kontact [23]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [24]
* #kopete - Users and developers of Kopete [25]
* #kpdf - User ands developers of KPDF [26]
* #kplayer - Users and developers of KPlayer [27]
* #kvirc - Users and developers of KVirc [28]
* #quanta - Users and developers of Quanta+ [29]
* #showimg - Users and developers of ShowImg [30]