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Amarok/Manual/Organization/TagEditor/pt-br: Difference between revisions

From KDE UserBase Wiki
André Marcelo Alvarenga (talk | contribs)
Created page with "| <menuchoice>Compositor</menuchoice> | O compositor da faixa."
André Marcelo Alvarenga (talk | contribs)
Created page with "| <menuchoice>Artista do álbum</menuchoice> | O artista ou banda do álbum."
Line 28: Line 28:
| O compositor da faixa.
| O compositor da faixa.
| <menuchoice>Album Artist</menuchoice>
| <menuchoice>Artista do álbum</menuchoice>
| The artist or band of the album.
| O artista ou banda do álbum.
| <menuchoice>Album</menuchoice>
| <menuchoice>Album</menuchoice>

Revision as of 02:02, 9 July 2012

Editor de etiquetas

O Editor de etiquetas incorporado permite mostrar e alterar os metadados dos arquivos de música. Para abrir o editor, basta clicar com o botão direito em uma ou mais músicas, álbuns ou gêneros selecionados, tanto na sua coleção quanto na sua lista de músicas, clique em Editar detalhes da faixa e escolher a aba Etiquetas.

Editar as etiquetas manualmente

Altere a linha adequada para o valor necessário e clique em Salvar e fechar. Se clicar em Cancelar irá eliminar as alterações não salvas.


As etiquetas são os metadados, tais como o número da faixa ou do artista da faixa, que existem dentro do arquivo. Um tipo muito comum de etiqueta é a etiqueta ID3.

Aqui está uma lista com as etiquetas suportadas pelo Amarok:

Etiqueta Descrição
Título O título da faixa.
Artista O artista ou banda da faixa.
Compositor O compositor da faixa.
Artista do álbum O artista ou banda do álbum.
Album The album title.
Disc Number The disc number of the album; important in a multi-CD album.
Genre The genre of the track. This can be a custom genre, but usually one of the predefined ones is used.
Beats Per Minute The tempo of the track.
Track The number of the track on the album.
Year The year in which the track or album was published.
Comment A text comment for the track.
Edit Single Track

In this mode you can change all supported tags of the chosen file.

Edit Several Tracks

Several tracks can be selected by clicking on the artist, album, or genre in the your collection or by selecting several tracks in the playlist using the Ctrl (non-sequential) or Shift (sequential) key.

All At Once

More general tags can be set for a group of tags at once. It works just like the single-track-mode, but the title and track number tags are locked.

Track By Track

This mode is pretty similar to the single-track-mode, except for the ability to switch between the selected tracks using the Next and Previous buttons. It is activated by clicking on the checkbox Per Track on the bottom of the window.

Get Tags from MusicBrainz

A new feature in Amarok 2.4 is the ability to guess tags from the MusicBrainz database. Click the Get Tags from MusicBrainz, wait a moment for the database to be searched for matches, and then Update Tags, or Cancel.

If you have the packages libofa and ffmpeg installed, and Amarok is compiled with them, Musicbrainz will be able to use "fingerprinting" (the MusicDNS service) to search for albums and tracks without good filenames or existing tags.

MusicBrainz Tagger dialog

Guess Tags From Filename

It is also possible to tag tracks using information in the filename. This is a very convenient feature when dealing with lots of files with a consistent naming scheme.

Some tracks need to be edited manually, because special characters like single quotes are omitted in file names. A preview helps to create the correct pattern.


There are also several options to format the result. These are self-explanatory.


In the basic view you get a drag-and-drop menu to create the pattern in the filename.


Filename: 03-social_distortion-dont_take_me_for_granted.mp3
Tracknumber: 03
Artist: Social Distortion
Title: Don't Take Me For Granted


In the advanced view you can create a pattern using markers in a string.


Filename: 03-social_distortion-dont_take_me_for_granted.mp3
Tracknumber: 03
Artist: Social Distortion
Title: Don't Take Me For Granted