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Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/OrganizeCollection/da: Difference between revisions

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
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| <menuchoice>Samlingsmappe</menuchoice> || Samlingens standardmappe. Angiv flere mapper i <menuchoice>Indstillinger -> Indstil Amarok...</menuchoice>.
| <menuchoice>Samlingsmappe</menuchoice> || Samlingens standardmappe. Angiv flere mapper i <menuchoice>Indstillinger -> Indstil Amarok...</menuchoice>.
| Token Bar || Drag and drop multiple tokens here to change the naming scheme of your media files. Only available in <menuchoice>Basic</menuchoice> view.
| Symbollinjen || Træk symboler herfra for at ændre navngivningsformatet for dine mediefiler. Kun tilgængelig i <menuchoice>Basal</menuchoice> visning.
| <menuchoice>Format Presets</menuchoice> || When you have created your naming scheme, save it as a preset by clicking <menuchoice>Save Preset</menuchoice>. Remove presets by clicking <menuchoice>Remove Preset</menuchoice>.
| <menuchoice>Format Presets</menuchoice> || When you have created your naming scheme, save it as a preset by clicking <menuchoice>Save Preset</menuchoice>. Remove presets by clicking <menuchoice>Remove Preset</menuchoice>.

Revision as of 09:34, 9 October 2011

Organisering af samling: Oversigt

Ganske vist er det ganske enkelt at organisere din samling i Amarok, men du håndterer egentlige filer på din harddisk; sørg for at have en backup af dine filer, før du begynder.

Med Amaroks dialog Organisér filer kan du let håndtere mediefilerne på din harddisk. Ved at ændre mediefilernes navngivningsformat kan du organisere dem; det er en effektiv måde, at gøre det på. For at åbne dialogen Organisér filer højreklikker du på Lokal samling i feltet Mediekilder og vælger Organisér filer, så dukker dialogen op.

Kontekstmenuen til at åbne dialogen Organisér samling

Hvis tilvalget Organisér filer ikke vises, så har du nok aktiveret (sammenflettet visning). For at kunne organisere dine filer på en sikker måde, så skal du have en adskilt visning.

Dialogen Organisér filer

Du organiserer dine filer ved hjælp af følgende dialog:


Samlingsmappe Samlingens standardmappe. Angiv flere mapper i Indstillinger -> Indstil Amarok....
Symbollinjen Træk symboler herfra for at ændre navngivningsformatet for dine mediefiler. Kun tilgængelig i Basal visning.
Format Presets When you have created your naming scheme, save it as a preset by clicking Save Preset. Remove presets by clicking Remove Preset.
Replace Spaces With Underscores If checked, converts spaces in filenames to underscores.
Ignore 'The' in Artist names If checked, artists' names starting with 'The' will instead be styled ', The'.
VFAT Safe Names If checked, replaces characters that are incompatible with MS-DOS or VFAT file systems with underscores. Most people can leave this option enabled.
Restrict to ASCII If checked, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced with underscores. Do not check this option if you have non-English characters in your tags. Most people can leave this option unchecked.
Custom Character Replacement Replace the tag expressions you write under the Replace box with character strings you write in the With box. Useful if there are mis-spellings in CDDB.
Destination Preview Shows the original naming scheme of your media files and how they will look after the changes are applied.
Overwrite Destination If checked, overwrites files of the same name without asking for further confirmation.

Advanced Contents

The code version of the Token Bar, which allows you to code the name format of media files. Activate it by pressing Advanced... in the interface menu. To change back click Basic....

Enclose conditional inclusion arguments such as CD number in braces, like this:

%artist%/%album%{/Disc %discnumber%}/%track% %title%

Note: formerly, the coding was %token, as of 2.4 it is %token%.