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General KDE Software FAQs/ca: Difference between revisions

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== Other FAQ pages ==
== Other FAQ pages ==

[[Workspace_Configuration/Desktop_Configuration|General configuration of your workspace]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Workspace_Configuration/Desktop_Configuration|General configuration of your workspace]]

[[Desktop_Effects_Performance|Desktop Effects FAQs]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Desktop_Effects_Performance|Desktop Effects FAQs]]

[[KMail/FAQs_Hints_and_Tips|KMail FAQs, hints and tips]]
[[Special:myLanguage/KMail/FAQs_Hints_and_Tips|KMail FAQs, hints and tips]]

[[Rekonq/FAQs|Rekonq FAQs]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Rekonq/FAQs|Rekonq FAQs]]

[[Plasma/Krunner#Tips.2C_Tricks_and_FAQs|Plasma K~Runner FAQs, hints and tips]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Krunner#Tips.2C_Tricks_and_FAQs|Plasma K~Runner FAQs, hints and tips]]

[[KPilot#FAQs, Hints and Tips|KPilot FAQs, hints and tips]]
[[Special:myLanguage/KPilot#FAQs, Hints and Tips|KPilot FAQs, hints and tips]]

[[KCalc#FAQs, Hints and Tips|KCalc FAQs, hints and tips]]
[[Special:myLanguage/KCalc#FAQs, Hints and Tips|KCalc FAQs, hints and tips]]

[[Browser_Configuration|Configuration hints and tips for various browsers]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Browser_Configuration|Configuration hints and tips for various browsers]]

[http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-gen.html KMyMoney FAQs]
[http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-gen.html KMyMoney FAQs]
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[http://www.digikam.org/?q=faq/digikam digiKam FAQs]
[http://www.digikam.org/?q=faq/digikam digiKam FAQs]

[[Gwenview/Hidden_Configuration_Options|Hidden settings in Gwenview]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Gwenview/Hidden_Configuration_Options|Hidden settings in Gwenview]]

[[Color_Management|Colour Management FAQs]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Color_Management|Colour Management FAQs]]

[[KolorManager|KolorManager configuration]]
[[Special:myLanguage/KolorManager|KolorManager configuration]]

[[KDevelop4/FAQ|Hints and tips for using KDevelop4]]
[[Special:myLanguage/KDevelop4/FAQ|Hints and tips for using KDevelop4]]

[[Umbrello/FAQ|Umbrello FAQs]]
[[Special:myLanguage/Umbrello/FAQ|Umbrello FAQs]]

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Revision as of 14:51, 2 March 2013

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Login questions

Q: When I log in to KDE, some programs are/are not started and I want to change this. How can I do this?

A: See Autostart

Other FAQ pages

General configuration of your workspace

Desktop Effects FAQs

KMail FAQs, hints and tips

Rekonq FAQs

Plasma K~Runner FAQs, hints and tips

KPilot FAQs, hints and tips

KCalc FAQs, hints and tips

Configuration hints and tips for various browsers

KMyMoney FAQs

KStars FAQs

digiKam FAQs

Hidden settings in Gwenview

Colour Management FAQs

KolorManager configuration

Hints and tips for using KDevelop4

Umbrello FAQs