Umbrello/FAQ/da: Difference between revisions

From KDE UserBase Wiki
(Created page with "=== Hvordan kan jeg installere udviklingsversionen samtidig med den udgivne version? ===")
(Created page with "Du skal installere den til en særskilt sti ved at køre (fra undermappen <tt>build</tt> i kilden)")
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=== Hvordan kan jeg installere udviklingsversionen samtidig med den udgivne version? ===
=== Hvordan kan jeg installere udviklingsversionen samtidig med den udgivne version? ===

You would need to install it to a separate path using (from the <tt>build</tt> subdirectory in the source)
Du skal installere den til en særskilt sti ved at køre (fra undermappen <tt>build</tt> i kilden)

{{Input|1=cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/me/kdedevelopment ..}}
{{Input|1=cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/me/kdedevelopment ..}}

Revision as of 07:19, 6 March 2013

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Hvilke versioner af Umbrello findes der?

Den aktuelle stabile version 2.9.4 er baseret på KDE 4.

Der findes også versioner til ældre udgaver af KDE, som kan downloades her.

Når du rapporterer en fejl i Umbrello, så bør du først teste en aktuel udgave fra KDE Git. Umbrello 2.x er baseret på Qt4 og KDE4.

Kan jeg bruge Umbrellos kommandolinjefunktioner uden en X-server?

Nej desværre er eksistensen af et grafisk display kodet dybt ind i Ubrellos design. Som en lappeløsning kan du bruge xvfb, som er en del af xorg-x11-server eller Xvnc som et virtuelt display uden egentligt output. For yderligere diskussion se bug #283748.

Kan jeg indsende en patch?

Vi elsker patches. Patches skal laves i forhold til en aktuel git clone. Kør så

git diff > mypatch.diff

for at lave patchen. Læg den producerede patch på en eller anden webserver og send URL'en til uml-devel med en forklaring.

Umbrelo bruger for meget hukommelse

Skift til en anden kodegenerator end C++ eller Java. Nyere versioner fra git laderdig også slå Fortryd fra. For store diagrammer er den aktuelle version af Umbrello meget bedre til at håndtere hukommelse end tidligere versioner.

Hvordan kan jeg installere udviklingsversionen samtidig med den udgivne version?

Du skal installere den til en særskilt sti ved at køre (fra undermappen build i kilden)

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/me/kdedevelopment ..

then set to include this

export KDEDIRS=`kde-config --prefix`:/home/me/foo

Can I help translate Umbrello into my spoken language ?

Certainly. As part of KDE you will have to work with the KDE i18n team for your language

Umbrello contains some UML and programming specific terms. Take care to research the most understandable translations of these terms for your spoken language.

How do I write a code generator ?

First check that there isn't already one in the KDE Git version of Umbrello.

Then read the instructions in codegenerator.h and use one of the other generators as a template. The C++ and Java code generators are a lot more advanced than the rest, it would be nice to have the others offer the same functionality as them.

Why the silly name ?

The program's name is Umbrello UML Modeller. The shortened form is Umbrello. When translating it translate UML Modeller in the most sensible way or if it can not be easily translated it can be left out. Umbrello should generally be left as is when translating to Latin alphabet languages.

Previously the program was called UML Modeller or UML Object Modeller or just UML. This was considered too generic by packagers and others. After some consultation and a public vote Umbrello showed surprising popularity, so the name Umbrello UML Modeller is now used. Umbrello does not mean anything as far as we know.

In sequence diagrams how do I extend the object's lifeline ?

Drag a message arrow downwards.

In previous versions you had to click and drag with the mouse at the bottom of the object's vertical line.

My package format is not supported and I can't install from source, what do I do ?

Contact us and if there are enough requests, we may be able to find a way to help you.

Can I have Git write access ?

Umbrello is now part of KDE (in kdesdk). Anyone with a KDE developer account can commit changes. Anything significant should be run past the mailing list first.

Can I have write access ?

You firstly need write access to KDE's Git.

Some UML features that I need don't seem to be supported ?

Let us know what features you require. The most requested features will be the first features introduced.

What file format does the program use ?

Versions before 1.4 used a file format that was only very loosely based on XMI and was not compatible with other UML programs.

Version 1.4 can read the static structure elements from most other UML tools which use XMI 1.x. However, currently Umbrello cannot import XMI 2.0 or UML-DI (Diagram Interchange.)

If you have a specific problem with XMI interchange then please add a detailed description to the bug #56184.

Why don't I have any icons on the toolbar ?

This occurs when you change the location of installing the program by using a prefix on cmake and KDE is unaware of that location.

To help KDE find the program you have to edit the environmental variable KDEDIRS. You will need to consult your distribution documentation for the exact file to edit, but there's a chance it will be .bash_profile in your home directory if you are the only one to use the program. If more than one person will use the program you can edit the file profile in the etc directory.

Just add the following lines

KDEDIRS="$KDEDIRS:<prefix use in cmake>"
export KDEDIRS



the first time you do this.

If you compiled from source you may have installed Umbrello in /usr/local or /usr/local/kde in which case you can add that directory to $KDEDIRS or change -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX so it installs in /usr or /opt/kde or whatever the norm for your distribution is.

I can't export diagrams as images, it complains about the mime type ?

Check your KDE install and upgrade or recompile kdelibs if possible.

Then delete /tmp/kde-storri/ksycoca file and restarting Umbrello fixed the problem.

What's the difference between $KDEDIR and $KDEDIRS ?

The following is taken from #kde-devel

  • one is a list of paths, the other is the single KDE installation path where the binaries and libs are expected to be
  • KDEDIRS is supposed to be used for configfile location resolution
  • install it wherever, but make sure that KDEDIR still points to the original KDE install path, and add the prefix where you're installing the app to KDEDIRS

Does Umbrello run on Windows ?

Yes. Umbrello is part of the KDE on Windows initiative.

My problem still isn't solved - help!

If it is a user related problem, send an e-mail to the uml-user mailing list. If it is a developer problem, try the uml-devel mailing list. Details of the mailing lists can be found on the contact page.

My user-mode-linux won't work ?