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.khipu file usually looks like this, when you open with text editor (ex. gedit, nano)
=== About .khipu Files ===
.khipu files are the files that are generated when you save your khipu workspace. The basic syntax of this file is introduced in this document.
==== Sample .khipu File ====

{ “dimension” : 2, “image” :  
{ “dimension” : 2, “image” :  

[a whole mess]
[Codes, with some lines starting with + sign]

, “name” : “Space 1”, “plots” : “[ { \”arg1max\” : \”5\”, \"arg1min\" : \"-5\", \"color\" : \"#00ff15\", \"expression\" : \"x->tan(x)\", \"name\" : \"PLOT NAME\" } ]" } ]
, “name” : “Space 1”, “plots” : “[ { \”arg1max\” : \”5\”, \"arg1min\" : \"-5\", \"color\" : \"#00ff15\", \"expression\" : \"x->tan(x)\", \"name\" : \"PLOT NAME\" } ]" } ]

The structure is pretty simple.
This is a sample .khipu file, with 2D Space of 'Space 1', and a tan(x) graph drawn in green color, from -5 to +5, and a name of 'PLOT NAME'. The details of this syntax will be explained one by one.
==== Space ====
The information about the space comes first. If there are multiple spaces, these information come multiple times, discriminated by {} and comma (,).
===== Dimension =====
The first argument that is in .khipu file is 'dimension'.
If your space is in 2D format, the dimension is saved as '2'. If your space is in 3D format, the dimension is saved as '4'.
===== Image =====
The image part is the biggest chunk in .khipu format.
This part essentially contains the information about the thumbnail picture of your space.
===== Name =====
The name of space is listed after "name".
==== Graphs ====
The graphs are listed after the information about the spaces. All graphs are listed in "plots" category. If there are multiple plots, it is listed in the same “plots” argument, using different brackets []. Note that the properties of the graphs itself have \"something\" structure, to discern from space properties.
===== Intervals =====
Inside plots, “arg1max” and “arg1min” define the interval the graph is defined. So, for example, if I want to plot between -5 and +5, It would be \”arg1max\” : \”5\”, \"arg1min\" : \"-5\"
===== Color =====
The “color” defines what color the graph is plotted. As you might have noticed, it is shown in simple HTML color code.
===== Expression =====
“expression” defines what expression is being plotted. It uses grammar of 'analitza', which is our backend library. The syntax of this is quite intuitive: x->sin(x) for example corresponds y=sin(x) graph. It is essentially similar to modern calculators, or math languages.
===== Name =====
Finally, "name" defines the name of the graph. Note that the name of graph is specified after \"name\", and the name of space is defined after "name", to avoid confusion.

“name” part is the part for the name of specific space. “dimension” defines what kind of space it is. If it is a 2D space, dimension is 2. If it is a 3D space, dimension is 4.
==== Brackets ====
Each hierarchy is discerned by different brackets. The first hierarchy (contains info about spaces) uses curly brackets {}. The second hierarchy (contains information about individual graphs - plots) also uses curly brackets {}, but are in all encompassed with square brackets [].

Then, “plots” that part is for the things that are plotted in the graph. If there are multiple plots, it is listed in the same “plots” argument, using different brackets [].
That is, if there are two plots, it is like this:

Inside plots, “arg1max” and “arg1min” define the interval the graph is defined. The “color” defines what color the graph is plotted. As you might have noticed, it is shown in simple HTML color code. “expression” defines what expression is being plotted. It uses grammar of 'analitza', which is our backend library. The syntax of this is quite intuitive: x->sin(x) for example corresponds y=sin(x) graph. It is essentially similar to modern calculators, or math languages.
"plots" : "[ { \"color\" : \"#00ffe6\", \"expression\" : \"(x, y, z)->(x^5+y+z)-8\", \"plot1\" : \"\" } ,  { \"color\" : \"#00abe8\", \"expression\" : \"(x, y, z)->(x^2+y^2+z^2)-64\", \"plot2\" : \"\" }]"

Revision as of 08:53, 3 December 2013

Under Construction

This is a new page, currently under construction!

About .khipu Files

.khipu files are the files that are generated when you save your khipu workspace. The basic syntax of this file is introduced in this document.

Sample .khipu File

{ “dimension” : 2, “image” :

[Codes, with some lines starting with + sign]

, “name” : “Space 1”, “plots” : “[ { \”arg1max\” : \”5\”, \"arg1min\" : \"-5\", \"color\" : \"#00ff15\", \"expression\" : \"x->tan(x)\", \"name\" : \"PLOT NAME\" } ]" } ]

This is a sample .khipu file, with 2D Space of 'Space 1', and a tan(x) graph drawn in green color, from -5 to +5, and a name of 'PLOT NAME'. The details of this syntax will be explained one by one.


The information about the space comes first. If there are multiple spaces, these information come multiple times, discriminated by {} and comma (,).


The first argument that is in .khipu file is 'dimension'.

If your space is in 2D format, the dimension is saved as '2'. If your space is in 3D format, the dimension is saved as '4'.


The image part is the biggest chunk in .khipu format. This part essentially contains the information about the thumbnail picture of your space.


The name of space is listed after "name".


The graphs are listed after the information about the spaces. All graphs are listed in "plots" category. If there are multiple plots, it is listed in the same “plots” argument, using different brackets []. Note that the properties of the graphs itself have \"something\" structure, to discern from space properties.


Inside plots, “arg1max” and “arg1min” define the interval the graph is defined. So, for example, if I want to plot between -5 and +5, It would be \”arg1max\” : \”5\”, \"arg1min\" : \"-5\"


The “color” defines what color the graph is plotted. As you might have noticed, it is shown in simple HTML color code.


“expression” defines what expression is being plotted. It uses grammar of 'analitza', which is our backend library. The syntax of this is quite intuitive: x->sin(x) for example corresponds y=sin(x) graph. It is essentially similar to modern calculators, or math languages.


Finally, "name" defines the name of the graph. Note that the name of graph is specified after \"name\", and the name of space is defined after "name", to avoid confusion.


Each hierarchy is discerned by different brackets. The first hierarchy (contains info about spaces) uses curly brackets {}. The second hierarchy (contains information about individual graphs - plots) also uses curly brackets {}, but are in all encompassed with square brackets [].

That is, if there are two plots, it is like this:

"plots" : "[ { \"color\" : \"#00ffe6\", \"expression\" : \"(x, y, z)->(x^5+y+z)-8\", \"plot1\" : \"\" } , { \"color\" : \"#00abe8\", \"expression\" : \"(x, y, z)->(x^2+y^2+z^2)-64\", \"plot2\" : \"\" }]"