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From KDE UserBase Wiki
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Line 30: Line 30:

All you have to do, after you select your source, "hessen-de" in my
Alt hvad du skal gøre efter at have valgt din kilde (fx "hessen-de") er at klikke på <menuchoice>Start skanning</menuchoice>.
case, is to click the <menuchoice>start scan</menuchoice> button.

Revision as of 18:13, 6 October 2010

Kaffeines Opstartsskærm
Kaffeine er en medieafspiller med mange funktioner, som opfylder alle almindelige behov.


Klik på billederne for at se dem i fuld størrelse. Brug knappen Gå en side tilbage (pilen) til at komme tilbage hertil.


Med Kaffeine kan du:

  • Afspille
    • Lyd filer
    • Video filer
    • VCD'er
    • dvd'er
  • Se digitalt tv

Hvis du har et fungerende dvb-t-kort i dit system, så ved Kaffein det og viser en knap, "Digital-tv" på start-fanebladet. Desuden får du indstillingsmuligheder i menuen "Fjernsyn".

En ny enhed er tilføjet
Konfiguration af enheden

Alt hvad du skal gøre efter at have valgt din kilde (fx "hessen-de") er at klikke på Start skanning.

The Channel Scan Screen

Add then the found/selected channels to the left (as in the screenshot already done and you're ready to watch TV.

The next screenshot shows the video and channel select window:

Selecting the channel

Recording is as simple as well:

Setting the recording time

There's even a program guide:

The programming guide

This helpful tutorial gives another view of how to set up and use Kaffeine to watch digital TV.


  • File browsing with Drag&drop support
  • Full subtitle support: automatic and manual subtitle loading

You will find the Project website here and you can ask questions on the IRC #kaffeine channel on irc.freenode.net