Modificar una pàgina
Eines disponibles
- Disposició de la pàgina ajuda a normalitzar l'aparença de les pàgines.
- Caixa d'eines us mostra el marcatge wiki per a l'efecte que necessiteu.
- Typographical Guidelines standardises markup for use in translation, either to official manuals (DocBook) or to other languages.
- You should see a preview of the page, and the Edit box below it — you might have to scroll down. If you don't see the preview you can enable this in your preferences
- Make your changes in the Edit box
- Write a one-line summary of what you changed in the Summary box
- Hit the Preview button
- Check how the page looks like in the preview. If you have included links, hover over them and look at the status bar to see if they are going to take you to the intended location; or better still, open the link in a new tab.
- If you need to correct anything, make the changes in the Edit box and hit Preview again. Repeat until you're happy with the results
- Click on Save page to save your work
Consells i trucs
- You can experiment in the Sandbox page to familiarize yourself with page editing and the wiki markup