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Revision as of 20:02, 3 August 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Splitting list into smaller units, added menuchoice tags)

Konversation Stable

Stable versions of Konversation are always available through Synaptic, the PCLinuxOS Package Manager. You may also use the command line to install (as root) apt-get install konversation.


  • Open the PC Menu.
  • Go to System -> Configuration -> Packaging -> Synaptic Package Manager.
  • Click the Search button and search for Konversation, or you may browse in the left hand pane to locate it.
  • Toggle the checkbox to flag Konversation for installation.
  • Click Apply and accept changes. Konversation will install.
  • After installation, launch Konversation by going to PC Menu -> Internet -> Chat -> Konversation.

Command Line

Use any one of:

  • Open a run dialog with Alt + F2.
  • Type konsole and press Enter.
  • When a Konsole launches, type su then press Enter. Enter your root password.
  • Type apt-get install konversation and press Enter.
  • After installation, launch Konversation by going to PC Menu -> Internet -> Chat -> Konversation.

Konversation Development Versions

PCLinuxOS Development versions of Konversation (if available) are found in the testing branch of PCLinuxOS Repositories. Add the testing branch by opening sources.list and adding the word testing to the end of your active repository. You may also open synaptic and choose Settings -> Repositories and highlighting the toggle checked repository. Add the word testing to the sections line (each word in section should have a space after it). Click Ok then click the reload button. If a developmental version of Konversation is present, you will be able to follow the Synaptic section above to upgrade.