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KDE Input Method Panel


Translated "almost" verbatim from http://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/Kimpanel_(zh_CN) (deprecated due to new translation system)


KDE Input Method Panel is a panel Plasmoid for various input methods with concurrent Plasma theme.

Input Method Panel

Right click desktop, choose Add Widgets, place the Input Method Panel plasmoid wherever you prefer.

The KDE Input Method Panel Widget


Support for FCITX has been in trunk since r294. Users are encouraged to upgrade.

svn co http://fcitx.googlecode.com/svn/trunk fcitx
cd fcitx
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install


*Arch Linux users should check fcitx-dbus-svn in AUR. fcitx-svn is okey though.


*Kubuntu users should check fcitx-svn.


Install ibus as usual. Then

For Kubuntu 9.10 + KDE SC 4.4.x:

  • install kimpanel-backend-ibus
sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus
  • open systemsettings -> autostart, add
ibus-daemon --panel=/usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-kde


ibus requires ibus-qt or ibus-qt4 to input special characters in KDE/Qt applications. (I doubt it --- there is XIM still.)

For Arch Linux:

  • open System Settings -> Autostart, add
ibus-daemon -drx --panel=/usr/lib/kimpanel-ibus-panel

For Gentoo:

  • open System Settings -> Autostart, add
ibus-daemon -drx --panel=/usr/lib64/libexec/kimpanel-ibus-panel


The panel path here is only for a 64-bit architecture. For other architectures, please change it accordingly.

If the Input Method Panel Plasmoid is absent, please check $QT_IM_MODULE and set that to ibus.


Suggestions for Input Method UIs (Chinese)

Install kimpanel on a Fedora 10 notebook (Chinese)

kimpanel + ibus (Chinese)