
From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 09:37, 29 February 2024 by Dduca (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Grâce à des modèles, la création de documents devient facile et cohérente.")
Préparation d'un devis
Kraft aide l'artisan ou le petit entrepreneur à préparer les documents essentiels.

Création de documents pour les petites entreprises

Aperçu des fonctionnalités

  • Kraft utilise une base de données pour stocker les détails de vos clients, votre stock, les besoins en articles non en stock, les devis et les commandes.
  • Grâce à des modèles, la création de documents devient facile et cohérente.
  • Free-format invoicing is also possible.
  • Since version 0.32 taxation levels are editable to reflect the country's tax laws.
  • Repeat orders simplified - use previous orders as the template
  • Existing document (e.g. quotation) becomes basis of follow-on documents (e.g. delivery notes and invoice)

Compiling from source

You can get the latest source with svn. In a console, type:

svn checkout svn://

then enter the directory with

cd kraft

and configure with

cmake .

followed by the compilation and the install commands:

make && make install

If everything went well, you can now run Kraft with


in a console.

Additional Information

The project's home page can be found here and screenshots are here.

Support for this application can be found from the project's home page