Der Standard-Anwendungsstarter mit einer Klick-Benutzeroberfläche zum Finden und Starten von Anwendungen. Kickoff hat eine Suchmöglichkeit, die Ihnen erlaubt, Anwendungen anhand ihres Namens oder ihrer Beschreibung zu finden.
Lancelot is a powerful application launcher which also allows launch menus to be placed on the panel. Lancelot provides search facilities, so if you know the name of the application you don't need to find your way around the menu.
Available from either the Add Widgets interface or by right-clicking on Kickoff and selecting "Switch to Classic Menu Style", this application launcher provides a classical hierarchical menu that is easily customized to give quick access to various useful applications and services.
There is also KRunner, which replaces the "run command" dialog, blurs the lines between desktop search, application launcher and command executor and provides a quick way to run applications or open documents.