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Amarok クイックスタートガイド はじめに

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 13:07, 26 November 2010 by Masahiroyam (talk | contribs) (Created page with "もしPlasmaワークスペースを実行している環境であれば、'''Amarok'''を以下のどちらの方法でも起動できます: * [...")






  • Kickoffボタンを押し、そしてマルチメディア -> Amarokを選択する。
  • KRunner(既定ではAlt+F2)を実行し、以下を入力

First Time

The first time you use Amarok, a First Start User Interface will come up asking you to specify where your music is located. If you have a music directory already configured in your system, Amarok should detect it and ask you to use it:

If you select No in this dialog, you will be presented with another which allows you to select your music folder:

See Setting Up a Collection

Once you have selected the folder where your music is, Amarok will scan the folder and sub-folders, creating the collection. Depending on the number of tracks and the speed of the location this can take some time.

Closing Amarok

If you want to close Amarok:

  • Type Ctrl+Q when you are in the Amarok window, or
  • Select the Quit option in the Amarok menu, or
  • Right-click on the blue wolf icon in the System Tray at the bottom of your screen. You will be presented with the following:

If you close the Amarok window by clicking Close on the window border, Amarok will continue to run in the background and only show the blue wolf icon in the System Tray:

If you log out of your session or shut down your computer without quitting Amarok, some of your settings will not be saved.