Common Tasks
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Renaming Multiple Files
There are times when you need to rename a large number of files or folders at the same time. This is often referred to as "batch renaming," and can be accomplished a number of ways in KDE.
With Dolphin
Dolphin has a ability to rename multiple files by numbering them, though the functionality is currently limited and only useful in certain situations. One useful application would be renaming a set of photos.
Select the files you wish to rename, then right-click on one of them and select "Rename..." (keyboard shortcut F2). You will be presented with a dialogue where you may specify what you want the files to be named.

The '#' symbol anywhere within the file name will be replaced with a number, starting with '1' for the first file and continuing up for each file after that.
With KRename
KRename has the ability to rename large numbers of files based on many different criteria, including search and replace, file properties, mp3 & ogg metadata, and many others.
KRename can be found in the Kickoff menu in the Utilities section.