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Translation Workflow

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 10:22, 11 February 2011 by Annew (talk | contribs)

Much of the information that was on this page is now outdated. How-Tos exist for all the common contributor tasks, including translation, both on- and off-line, and can be found linked from Tasks and Tools.


When editing pages that are already marked for translation, you will see section markers similar to <!--T:1-->. Usually each paragraph is one section. You should not change the markers, unless you fully delete a section, in which case you should simply remove the old marker. When adding new sections, you don't need to add marker to it – the marker will be added automatically when your changes are approved for translation. If you want to move a section, move also the section marker with it. That is the only time when you touch the markers - the system will do the rest.

Guidelines applicable to all Languages


This section is new, and will be controlled by experienced translators.

Guidelines specific to a Language

We propose to have Team Leaders for each language. As we get leaders appointed, they will take charge of a page of guidelines for their specific language, where they will be named. They will have final say on any question relating to their language.

Keeping up to date with developments

I propose that the Discussion page attached to this page should be used for orderly debate about issues noted, particularly issues where existing markup is causing problems. Old threads, long since resolved will be cleaned out, and once decisions are made I will update the relevant help pages. I would ask you to put a Watch on Talk:Translation_Workflow.

Getting a Better Understanding of the Process

For a fuller description of the Translate extension, read the description on the developers' website


Monitor the status of your language statistics by monitoring the page http://userbase.kde.org/Special:LanguageStats/your-language-code

Language-specific guideline pages
