Plasma/Transport públic/Proveïdors de serveis

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Proveïdors de serveis

Els proveïdors de serveis han de permetre fitxers XML i script (JavaScript, ruby o python). Ja hi ha el suport per als proveïdors de servei en la següent llista.

Marcats en verd són els proveïdors de serveis que funcionen bé, comptant amb el suport per a una gran àrea i que ofereixen la majoria de característiques.

Marcats en groc són els proveïdors de serveis que funcionen bé, però només sobre una petita àrea o només unes poques parades en una àrea gran.

Marcats en roig són els proveïdors de serveis que només ofereixen dades estàtiques. Ells poden donar viatges que en realitat en l'actualitat no executen. En el camp «journey news» es pot veure informació addicional sobre el viatge (per exemple, «executa Mo-Fr») i per a veure la informació addicional d'un viatge (menú contextual o feu doble clic).

Aquestes característiques actualment es coneixen: Mostra arribades, completació per al nom de la parada, cerca de viatges, retard, motiu per al retard, plataforma, operador, notícies del viatge, tipus de vehicle, identificador de l'aturada.


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Deutsche Bahn All cities and stops in germany, also works for cities in other countries in europe. Should be used instead of other german service providers to use all features of PublicTransport. Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Journey search, Delay, Delay reason, Platform, Operator, Journey News, Vehicle type, Stop ID, Routes for departures/arrivals and journeys. Friedrich Pülz
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Germany: Berlin Stop name completion, Friedrich Pülz
Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG Germany: Dresden Vehicle type Friedrich Pülz
Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH Germany: Saxony Anhalt Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Platform, Vehicle type, Stop ID, Routes for departures/arrivals. Friedrich Pülz
Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH Germany: Rhine-Main Stop name completion, Delay, Platform, Journey News, Operator, Routes for departures/arrivals. Friedrich Pülz
Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH Germany: Stuttgart Platform, Journey News, Vehicle type. Friedrich Pülz
Verkerhsverbund Rhein-Neckar GmbH Germany: Rhine-Neckar Vehicle type. Martin Gräßlin
Weser-Ems Busverkehr GmbH Germany: Bremen, Lower Saxony Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Vehicle type, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB All cities and stops in switzerland, also works for cities in other countries in europe. Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Journey search, Delay, Platform, Journey News (with capacity information added), Vehicle type, Stop ID, Routes for departures/arrivals and journeys. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
ÖBB All cities and stops in austria. Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Vehicle type, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
NMBS/SNCB All? cities and stops in belgium. Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Platform, Vehicle type, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Rejseplanen A/S All? cities and stops in denmark. Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Delay, Platform, Vehicle type, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
ResRobot Travel Planner All? cities and stops in Sweden. Stop name completion, Vehicle type, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) USA: Southeastern Pennsylvania Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Platform, Vehicle type, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Regione Emilia-Romagna Italia: Emilia-Romagna Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Vehicle type, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz
Regione Liguria Italia: Liguria Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Vehicle type, Operator, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF) 168 stops in france, no local public transportation Stop name completion, Delay, Platform, Vehicle type, Operator. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
INPROP, s. r. o. Many cities in Slovakia with static data* Stop name completion, Vehicle type. Friedrich Pülz Many cities in Slovakia Stop name completion, Vehicle type. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
CHAPS spol., s. r. o. Many cities in Czechia with static data* Stop name completion, Vehicle type. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Polskie Koleje Państwowe Many cities in Poland Show arrivals, Stop name completion, Journey News, Vehicle type, Stop ID, Routes for departures/arrivals. Friedrich Pülz


Service Provider Supported Region Website Features Author
Conducive Technology Corp. Flight departures around the world. Stop name completion, Delay, Journey News, Status, Operator, Stop ID. Friedrich Pülz