Calligra 2.4 is the current stable version.
Arch Linux
Arch Linux provides Calligra packages in the [extra] repository.
Chakra Linux
Chakra Linux provides Calligra packages in the desktop repository.
The Chakra LiveDVD comes with the latest Calligra pre-installed.
Fedora packages for Calligra are available in the unstable repository of the KDE Packaging Project. Calligra 2.4 is the current stable version.
Packages are available in area51
Gentoo has Calligra packaged in Portage, tagged as unstable.
The easiest way to install Calligra on openSUSE is by going to the search.
- Calligra 2.4 packages are available from the KDE:Release:48 and KDE:Distro:Stable repositories for OpenSuse 11.4 and 12.1.
- Git snapshots are available from the unstable playground repository.
- Daily build git snapshots are provided here (note a focus on mobile/Plasma Active for these packages)
Visit to find which repository fits your needs.
12.04 - Precise Pangolin
Ubuntu's current development version Precise Pangolin (12.04) has calligra packages in the standard universe repository.
Unofficial: Project Neon
Ubuntu users can get a nightly build of Calligra with the Project Neon, you need to add ppa:neon/ppa to your sources.list and install project-neon-calligra package.
This script installs project neon and calligra:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa \
&& sudo apt-get update\
&& sudo apt-get install project-neon-base \
project-neon-calligra \
In order to run the installed packages you have to logout and choose "Project Neon" from the login screen. Neon always has the latest version, not necessarily the beta releases.
KO GmbH has released a Windows installer. Please go to the Download Page
The Windows version is in the works, and is at the moment, highly experimental. Not all applications or features known from the Linux/Unix version are included.