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From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 22:29, 9 November 2012 by Gallaecio (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)


  • Nome: Okteta.
  • Descrición: Editor de datos en bruto.
  • Categoría: Desenvolvemento.
  • Versión: 0.9.
  • Dispoñibilidade: 4.9.
  • Manual (en inglés).


Okteta é un editor simple de datos en bruto de ficheiros.

  • Os valores e caracteres amósanse en dúas columnas —a forma de visualización tradicional deste tipo de editores— ou en filas co valor sobre o carácter.
  • A edición e a navegación aseméllanse ás dun editor de texto.
  • Conta con vistas de datos que se poden personalizar.
  • Conta con perfís de vistas de datos.
  • As ferramentas poden situarse en calquera dos extremos da interface, ou mesmo flotando sobre ela.
  • Codificacións numéricas: hexadecimal, decimal, octal e binario.
  • Codificacións de caracteres: todas as de 8 bits grazas a Qt, máis EBCDIC.
  • Debuxado rápido dos datos na pantalla.
  • Posibilidade de ter varios ficheiros abertos ao mesmo tempo.
  • Posibilidade de abrir ficheiros remotos, mediante os protocolos HTTP, FTP, Fish e outros compatíbeis coa plataforma de KDE.
  • Capacidade para exportar datos como texto, ben a un ficheiro ou ben ao portapapeis.
  • Calculadora de códigos de verificación da integridade: suma modular (8, 16, 32 e 64 bits), Adler-32, CRC-32 e os fornecidos pola biblioteca QCA2, é dicir, SHA-0/1/224/256/384/512, MD2/4/5, RIPEMD-160, e Whirlpool.
  • Ferramenta de estruturas para a análise e edición baseada en definicións de estruturas que poidan ser definidas polos usuarios.
  • Ferramenta estatística.
  • Ferramenta de extracción de cadeas.
  • Ferramenta de conversión entre sistemas de codificación de caracteres de 8 bits.
  • Decoding table listing common simple data types.
  • Bookmarks
  • Printing
  • Table with complete list of all byte values

Data manipulation

  • Insert and Overwrite modes
  • Unlimited Undo - Redo operations
  • Find and Replace operations
  • Pattern insertion
  • Binary Filter tool with bitwise operations:
    • AND filter
    • OR filter
    • XOR filter
    • Inverse filter
    • Shift filter
    • Rotate filter
    • Reverse filter


"What is the relation to KHexEdit?"

Okteta is an independent new project, with a completely different codebase and architecture, written from scratch, by a different author.

KHexEdit is discontinued for the KDE 4 series, as it hasn't had a real maintainer and the port to KDE 4 was only incomplete. Okteta is first included in the 4.1 release of KDE. So in fact Okteta is the successor to KHexEdit for KDE 4.

"Are very large files (up and larger than 1 GiB) supported?"

Not yet, as it is still subject of discussion how partial loading and the related issues should be reflected in the UI.

Currently a complete copy of the file is loaded into the working memory, so please be careful if the size of the file is close to the order of magnitude of the size of your working memory.

"What about a diff tool?"

A facility to view and work on differences between files and file versions is planned for later versions of Okteta.

Other Info

Structure definitions used by the Structures tool can be shared on kde-files.org (also used by the integrated sharing dialog in the Structures tool's configuration).

There are a few tutorials


hex editor, binary editor, raw data viewer