Системні параметри/Клавіатура
У цьому розділі ви можете керувати параметрами роботи клавіатури.

Вмикання Ctrl + Alt + Backspace для завершення роботи X-сервера
tab, make sure is enabled. Then look in the list below for "Key sequence to kill the X server". Under it, you should be able to check . Once done, click on .
Вмикання клавіші Compose
Compose is a feature that allows you to write any character you want, no matter the keyboard layout you are using, by pressing a certain key (Compose key) and a series of keys. You could, i.e., associate ‘~’ and ‘n’ characters so they get replaced by a ‘ñ’ character when they are pressed after pressing Compose key. There are many default key combinations, and you can customize Compose configuration file so it better fits your specific needs. You will find more information here.
To enable this feature, first make sure
is enabled under tab. Then, check a key from tree. Finally, click . From now on, you will be able to use that key as Compose key.Додаткові відомості
- Офіційна документація KDE
- Налаштовування клавіатури (вікі Arch Linux)