KMail er email-komponenten i Kontact, KDE's integrerede informations manager. |
- Supports the standard mail protocols IMAP, POP3 and SMTP.
- Supports authentication via NTLM (Microsoft Windows) and GSSAPI (Kerberos)
- Supports plain text and secure logins, using SSL and TLS.
- Integration of international character sets
- Spell-checking (as-you-type and on demand)
- Native support for inline OpenPGP, PGP/MIME, and S/MIME.
- Reading and writing of HTML mail.
- Ability to display plain text only from an HTML mail.
- Allows you to receive and accept invitations.
- Integration with popular spam checkers, e.g. SpamAssassin, Bogofilter, etc.
- An optional spam probability meter can be displayed
- Powerful search and filter abilities
- Import Options for many other clients/formats.
- Searching in IMAP folders fully supported
- Highly integrated with other Kontact components
- Encrypted password saving in KWallet
- Several Backup Options
Yderligere punkter
- Knyt flag og tags til meddelelser for bedre at kunne sortering og finde information
- Håndterer mailing-lister
- Kan erstatte tekst-smilies med emoticons
- Viser afsenderens billede eller avatar, hvis den findes i addressebogen
- Understøtter X-Face (sort-hvid billeder i meddelelser)
- Kompression af vedhæftede filer
KMail understøtter Groupware funktionalitet. Du kan modtage invitationer fra kolleger og acceptere dem. Hvis du accepterer en invitation, så føjes den automatisk til din kalender. For at se kalenderes starter du KOrganizer eller Kontact.
Se adskillige skærmbilleder på denne side.
Using KMail
- Getting Started
- Using Kmail General
- Import Options
- Backup Options
- Using Kmail Folders
- Configuring Kmail
KMail's Toolbox
Denne side gennemgår følgende emner:
- Mail Import Tools
- Mail Export Tools
- Addressbook Import Tools
- Development and Security
- Anti-Spam Tools
- Other Tools and Patches
KMail and encryption
How to encrypt your mail with PGP or S/MIME?
- Kan vise ren tekst alene fra en HTML mail
- Lader dig modtage og acceptere invitationer
- Integration med populære spam-checkere, fx SpamAssassin og Bogofilter.
- Kan vise en sandsynlighed for, at en mail er spam
- Kraftfuld søge- og filtrere-funktion
- Kan importere mail fra mange andre klienter
- Fuld understøttelse af søgning i IMAP-mapper
- Meget integreret med andre komponenter af Kontact
- Gemmer krypterede passwords i KWallet
KMail is available in all major Linux distribution repositories, as tarballs, and soon a Flatpak version will also be available. Ancient versions were compatible with Windows, the Kontact team is looking for help to improve Windows support. For more information look at the Kontact download page.
En liste over mange af KMail's udviklere findes her.
FAQ's, Hints og Tips
Se denne side.
More Information
- KDE official documentation
- Website
- Kde-pim mailing list
- #kontact and #akonadi IRC channels on Freenode