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KDE UserBase Wiki:Privacy policy

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 15:34, 12 August 2010 by Annew (talk | contribs)

Under Construction

This is a new page, currently under construction!

The Scope of this Document

This document addresses the use and retention of personally identifiable information on the UserBase website.

On the Nature of the UserBase Wiki

Any registered user gains the right to edit content, discussion pages, and user pages, including those of other users. It is expected that those rights will not be abused, and any such abuse will lead to the perpetrator losing all edit rights.

UserBase is a public wiki. Any content submitted to UserBase is subject to the Creative Commons Share-Alike license, and the Gnu Free Document License. Links are provided on each page to the full text of the licenses. The authors of any edit, contribution, correction etc. are publicly identifiable and may be contacted by any other registered user.

User Accounts

UserBase may be read by any member of the public, without the creation of a registered account. Contribution in any form does, however, require the user to have a registered account. Registered users have a sidebar link to several Preferences pages. On the first page there is a field for entering an email address. This is optional, but it is recommended that you do enter one, as it is impossible for us to help with a lost password if you do not. Your email address is not publicly viewable. Pages other than the first one are mainly for display preferences and should be browsed at your leisure.

In order to contact another user you should user their Talk page. This ensures that both of you are addressed only by your UserBase username.

From time to time users will be granted extra rights by associating them with a user group. As an example, a potential translator needs to request to be added to the Translator group. Without that he cannot access the translation system.

Collection and Retention of Personally Identifiable Information

The Purpose of Collecting Personally Identifiable Information

Personally Identifiable Information is collected for the security and smooth running of UserBase. Examples of the use of this information includes, but is not limited to

  • Public Accountability. When a user registers an account, no check is made regarding the identity of the user. In the case of a serious abuse occurring it is necessary that mechanisms exist for the investigation of the event.
  • To provide statistics. In order to ensure smooth running mechanisms exist for statistics to be gathered from the raw logs of accesses. Information from those logs is not made public.
  • To investigate technical problems. Raw logs may be examined by the system administrators when investigating any technical problem, including tracking down badly-behaved web-spiders.