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'''KMLDonkey is a cross-platform graphical user interface for [http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/Main_Page Mldonkey], a cross-platform peer-to-peer downloader.'''
:* Runs wherever KDE software runs. :* Can handle multiple threads simultaneously :* Integrates with several browsers :* Can be used with traffic-shaping tools :* Can handle several security options
:*KMLDonkey 2.x (current version is 2.0.7) is released together with KDE4.x within the extragear-tarball.
:*[http://download.kde.org/download.php?url=stable/apps/KDE3.x/network/kmldonkey-0.11.tar.gz KMLDonkey 0.11 for KDE3].
:*You can also build KMLDonkey from svn for the last development version
:*[mailto:eduardhc@gmail.com Eduard Huguet] :*[mailto:mail@dipe.org Sebastian Sauer] :*[mailto:gmazzurco89@gmail.com Gioacchino Mazzurco] <!-- kmldonkey.org seems to not work anymore... --> :* Petter E. Stokke (No current email address available)
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