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Kontact/Synkronisering af Kontact med Palm Pre

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Revision as of 13:32, 19 November 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Hvordan du syknkroniserer en Palm Pre med Kontact og Google Calendar

Jeg har sat mit system op, sådan at jeg kan tilføje en begivenhed til min kalender ethvert af følgende steder og få begivenheden synkroniseret imellem alle tre enheder:

  • Min Palm Pre-enhed
  • En kalender i Kontact
  • Min Google Calendar

Min aktuelle opsætning synkroniserer automatisk mellem min Google Calendar og min kalender i Kontact hvert 5. minut. For at synkronisere Palm Pre-enheden skal jeg gå til kalenderen, vælge Preferences & Accounts fra menuen Calendar øverste til venstre på skærmen, rulle ned til bunden og tappe på knappen Sync Now. Når jeg har foretaget en manuel synkronisering, så dukker alle de begivenheder, som jeg har tilføjet på enheden med det samme op i min Google kalender og efter højest 5 minutter i min Kontact kalender. Indtil nu har det virket uden problemer.

Tak til den oprindelige forfatter

Al min information kom oprindeligt fra en artikel på soft.zoneo.net, så for at referere til den rigtige forfatter er her den oprindelige side, som jeg fulgte for at sætte dette op.


Jeg har blot tilpasset nedenstående indstillinger til min egen installation

Here's how:

1) Make sure you have a Google Calendar account (and make sure it works). Mine is tied to my own email/domain so it doesn't mean you have to have a gmail.com account

2) Download the GCALDaemon from Source Forge

3) Unzip the gcaldaemon-linux-* file

4) Move the new GCALDaemon directory to /usr/local (or a similarly appropriate place)

5) Change permissions so an ordinary user has rights to read/write to the GCALDaemon directory and all sub-directories/files. The normal user MUST be able to create new files in /usr/local/GCALDaemon

6) Generate an encoded password string Open a terminal (as the user who runs Kontact) and execute this:

cd /usr/local/GCALDaemon/bin

Enter your Google password and copy the encoded password from the output. If you get an error message, there is a problem with your permissions.

7) copy your Google Private URL (ICAL)

  • Go to your Google Calendar
  • Click the arrow/pulldown icon to the right of the calendar you want to use listed in the My Calendars box on the left side of the page and choose Calendar Settings
  • Click on the ICAL icon in the Private Address section
  • Copy the link shown

8) Configure GCALD

  • Edit /usr/local/GCALDaemon/conf/gcal-daemon.cfg
vi /usr/local/GCALDaemon/conf/gcal-daemon.cfg
  • Change the following lines as shown:

http.enabled=false <br />
# Enable iCalendar file listener/synchronizer
 file.enabled=true <br />
# Full path of the local iCalendar file
 file.ical.path=/usr/local/GCALDaemon/google.ics <br />
# Gmail user (your full email address)
 file.google.username=YOUR ADDRESS <br />
# Gmail password (use password encoder!)
 file.google.password='''''The encrypted passwd string copied in step 6''''' <br />
# URL (without hostname) of the Google Calendar's private ical file
 '''''(The Private ICS Google Calendar Address you Copied in step 7)'''
 WITHOUT the hostname (leave off the 'http://www.google.com')'' <br />
# Local iCalendar file polling interval (recommended is "10 sec")
 file.polling.file=10 sec <br />
# Google Calendar polling interval (recommended is "10 min")
 file.polling.google=5 min <br />
# Turn it on when you use dial-up connection (default is "true")

9) Start the Sync

/usr/local/GCALDaemon/bin/standalone-start.sh &

10) Make sure the sync process starts at login

  • Create the file ~/.kde/Autostart/googleCal.sh with the following content

#!/bin/bash <br />
/usr/local/GCALDaemon/bin/standalone-start.sh & <br />

11) Add the new Calendar to Kontact

  • Open the Kontact Calendar page and add a new Calendar resource at the bottom-left of the screen
  • When you click the add (+) icon you'll be prompted for the resource type, choose Calendar in Local File
  • in the next dialog box that shows up add the following :
    • new resource name
    • The file location: /usr/local/GCALDaemon/google.ics

12) Add the google account to you Palm Pre Device

  • Go to the Calendar
  • choose Preferences & Accounts from the Calendar menu at the top/left of the screen
  • Scroll to the bottom, tap the Add An Account button
  • Tap the Google button
  • Enter your Google calendar info

That's it

Note when you add a Kontact event you'll be prompted to use the default calendar resource, or the new Google calendar resource. Only events added to the new Google calendar resource will be sync'ed. Any event added to any of the 3 calendars (the new Kontact Google calendar resource, the Google calendar itself, or your Palm Pre device) will now sync to all 3 calendars.