Internet,Reţea şi Comunicare

KDE face schimbul de informaţii între calculatoarele simple furnizând o largă varietate de aplicaţii pentru Internet,reţea şi comunicare.Vizitează web site-uri,comunică cu ceilalţi,controlează un alt calculator,accesează fişiere de la distanţă ca şi cum ar fi în propriul tău hard drive,şi multe altele!Software-ul KDE te conectează la lume.
Un manager de fişiere,navigator web,vizualizator universal de fişiere şi multe altele! Rekonq
Un Navigator Web lejer de la KDE bazat pe WebKit.
- pagina de configurare a Navigatorului vă ajută să vă configuraţi navigatorul,să-l amestecaţi cu tema dumneavoastră Plasma,să folosiţi mişcări ale mouse-ului şi multe altele!
File:None.png Telepatia este un cadru în curs de dezvoltare pentru comunicarea de la egal la egal. ChoqoK
ChoqoK este un client microblogging pentru site-urile cu reţea de socializare precum Twitter şi Identi.ca. KMess
KMess este un client de conversaţie Live/MSN Messenger alternativ pentru Linux. Kopete
Un client de Mesagerie Instant care suportă Jabber, Yahoo, MSN, AIM şi alte protocoale. Konversation
A no-nonsense, dedicated IRC client. Quassel
A modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client.
File Transfer
A download manager and simple bittorrent client. KTorrent
A specialized bittorrent client with a lot of features and plugin extensions. KFTPgrabber
A graphical FTP client from KDE, supporting SSL encryption and multiple FTP sessions. KMLDonkey
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the MLDonkey P2P file sharing tool.
EMail & News
A POP3 and IMAP mail client, capable of GpG signing and encryption. Akregator
A feed reader, supporting RSS and Atom. KNode
An integrated news-reader, allowing signing of messages. KNewsTicker
A widget that can scroll news feeds on your desktop. Blogilo
Blogilo is a blogging client, focused on simplicity and usability.
The Remote Desktop Connection client, allowing you to view and even control another machine running a compatible server, such as Krfb. Krfb
The Desktop Sharing server from KDE, allowing you to share your session with others who can connect using a VNC client like Krdc. KVpnc
A GUI for various Virtual Private Network (VPN) clients.
Connection Managers
A manager for wireless networks. KPPP
A dialer for PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol). KNemo
The KDE Network Monitor. KNetworkManager
A GUI for NetworkManager and supports both wired and wireless devices. Kbluetooth
KBluetooth is a program which aims to provide a complete application for the usage of bluetooth with KDE SC 4.
Related Applications
There are other network-related programs that work under the hood to give you a seamless networking experience
- KIO lets you to access any file as though it were on your own computer
Support for this application can be found from the project's home page