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KJots/Importér KNowIt til KJots

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 10:01, 18 December 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)


These screenshots are out of date, and should be changed as soon as possible.

Programmet KNowIt bruges til skrive enkle notater. Den var tilgængelig for de forskellige versioner af KDE3 fra tredje part, men bliver ikke længere vedligeholdt eller understøttet. KDE Software Compilation har et program til at skrive enkle noter blandt de officielle moduler, og fra KDE SC 4.3 kan KJots importere dine gamle noter skrevet med KNowIt.


Denne funktion er tilgængelig i KDE SC4.2 beta 1 og senere udgaver

Skærmbilledet nedenfor viser, hvordan man importerer noter skrevet i KNowIt til KJots. Importen har følgende funktioner:

  • KNowIt notes are imported as KJots pages.
  • KNowIt notes which have child notes are imported as KJots books.
  • If a KNowIt note has child notes, the content of that note is imported as an additional page in KJots.
  • Links created in KNowIt notes appear as a list in a KJots page. These links may be edited in KJots.

Select 'Import...' from the File menu

Select the KNowIt file type

Select your KnowIt file, and click open
