Amarok/Manual/Oversigt/Oversigt over tastaturgenveje/Amaroks genveje
Amaroks genveje
Kontrollér Amarok ved hjælp af tastaturgenveje, som er kombinationer af taster, som hver kontrollerer en specifik handling. Amarok har standardgenveje, men du kan også definere dine egne.
Handling | Genvej |
Forøg lydstyrken | + |
Formindsk lydstyrken | - |
Gå til | Ctrl + J |
Afspil medie... | Ctrl + O |
Play/Pause | Space |
Previous Browser | Ctrl + Left |
Queue Track | Ctrl + D |
Quit | Ctrl + Q |
Redo | Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Seek Backward | Left |
Seek Forward | Right |
Activate Search Bar | Ctrl + F |
Toggle Full Screen | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Save Playlist | Ctrl + S |
Select all | Ctrl + A |
Rename | F2 |
How to make shortcuts
You can configure shortcuts from
where you can change or make new shortcuts.
How to use Configure Shortcuts...

Button | Description |
Search Actions and Shortcuts. | |
Add, remove and get more information about shortcut schemes. | |
Reset all custom shortcuts back to default. | |
Print the list of shortcuts. | |
Save all changes. | |
Close window without saving changes. |
When you select an action, that opens a sub-window where you can choose between two radio buttons,
and . If you choose you'll use the default shortcut. If you choose you'll configure and use your shortcut for this action.