KDE Plasma Desktop
This is the basic KDE Plasma desktop. These applications are common programs usually found in base KDE SC 4 installations. They provide core desktop environment functionality. These KDE base programs allow users to operate, manage and control their desktop and programs easily and flexibly.
Pracovní prostředí
Plocha a panely
Naučte se základy standardního nastavení, jak konfigurovat panely a plochu, aby odpovídaly vašim požadavkům, a jak přidávat další prvky se stažitelným obsahem. KWin
Discover KWin, KDE's reliable and flexible window manager with hardware accelerated effects for added beauty and usability. KRunner
The traditional "Run Command" window has become a "power launcher" with not only command launching but also desktop search, a calculator and even online Wiki look ups. Find out how to use this new interface, called "KRunner", to streamline your workflow.
Nastavení systému
Nové ovládací centrum pro KDE platformy.
Prozkoumejte Dolphin: základní, jednoduše použitelný správce souborů v KDE Plasma Desktop. Konqueror
A power user's dream file manager, web browser and universal file viewer. KWrite
Jednoduchý textový editor. Konsole
A tabbed terminal emulator allowing the use of several shells or profiles.
Pilíře platformy KDE
There are other parts of the KDE platform that work "under the hood" to give you the best desktop experience. You might be interested in knowing about them.