Stable Release
Calligra 2.4 es la actual versión estable.
Arch Linux
Arch Linux provee paquetes de Calligra en el repositorio kde-unstable.
Chakra Linux
Chakra Linux provides Calligra packages in the desktop repository.
The Chakra LiveDVD comes with the latest Calligra pre-installed.
Arch Linux provides Calligra packages in the [extra] repository.
Fedora packages are available in the rawhide development repo ([1]), and unofficial builds are available for prior releases from kde-unstable repo at [2] .
Calligra ports are available in Area51.
- Git snapshots are available from the unstable playground repository.
- Daily build git snapshots are provided here (note a focus on mobile/Plasma Active for these packages)
Visit to find which repository fits your needs.
Ubuntu users can get a nightly build of Calligra with the Project Neon, you need to add ppa:neon/ppa to your sources.list and install project-neon-calligra package.
This script installs project neon and calligra:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa \
&& sudo apt-get update\
&& sudo apt-get install project-neon-base \
project-neon-calligra \
In order to run the installed packages you have to logout and choose "Project Neon" from the login screen. Neon always has the latest version, not necessarily the beta releases.