Amarok/Manual/Organização/Gerenciador de capas
Gerenciador de capas

O Gerenciador de capas é uma ferramenta para gerenciar as imagens das capas da sua coleção. Permite-lhe alterar as capas facilmente, obter todas as capas faltantes e navegar por elas. Você pode encontrar o Gerenciador de capas em
.Ao analisar a biblioteca de músicas local, o Amarok tenta procurar as capas correspondentes aos álbuns. Neste ponto, o Amarok somente as procura a partir do sistema de arquivos, não na Internet. Se nenhuma for encontrada no seu sistema, o Amarok usa uma imagem de substituição como esta para a capa do álbum:
Se faltar uma capa em determinado álbum ou se a atual estiver incorreta, você pode obter uma na Internet com o Gerenciador de capas.
Browsing Covers
With Cover Manager, browsing covers is easy. You can view covers for any artist by selecting from list on left, or use the search box to find the right album. On the status bar, you can see how many covers are currently listed and how many albums are missing covers. You can also set the Cover Manager to only show albums with or without covers. By right-clicking on cover art and selecting
you can view the cover image at the original size.Fetching Missing Covers
If there are albums with missing covers, you can try to automatically fetch them all from the Internet. Just select
from the top of the window and Cover Manager will try to find covers. If there are many albums missing covers, the process may take some time.Changing Cover Art

If there is an album with an incorrect cover, you can fetch new one from the Internet. Right-click on the cover and select
. A dialog window for finding a new cover will open. Amarok automatically tries find the correct album art by searching with the artist name and album name. Usually this works very well, as with the example, and you will most likely see a correct cover on results as in the example. If no correct cover is found, you can try to enter a custom search phrase or change the source of images by clicking on You can select where to search, including, Google Images, Yahoo! Image Search or Discogs. After finding a cover for album, just click and the changes will be applied.You can also use a image from your hard drive as an album cover. If you want to store the image in the Album folder, name it cover.jpg or cover.png for best results. As before, right-click on the incorrect image and click on
.If you don't like the cover art at all, you can unset it by right-clicking on the image and selecting