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Kdenlive/Manual/Settings Menu/Configure Kdenlive

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 06:37, 5 August 2012 by Ttguy (talk | contribs) (Misc)

Configure Kdenlive


Open last project on startup
Check if first added clip matches project profile Crash recovery (automatic backup) Use KDE job tracking for render jobs Use on-monitor effects Disable parameters when the effect is disabled Default Durations Automatcially import image sequences Transparent background for imported images

Project Defaults


Configure how the timeline appears in Kdenlive

Thumbnails - video

Thumbnails - Audio

Normalise audio for thumbnails

Display clip markers comments

Autoscroll while playing

Zoom using vertical drag in ruler

Automatically split audio and video

Track Height


MLT Environment

This setting tells Kdenlive where to find the MLT executables and profile files. Only advanced users would really need to changing these settings. Kdenlive is basically a front end to the MLT program and this setting tells Kdenlive where to find the engine that runs the whole application.

Default Folders

This setting controls where Kdnelive expects project files to be by default. It also controls what folder Kdenlive will use as a temorary file storage location and it controls where files captured from an external source will be saved.

Default Apps

This setting controls what application opens when you choose edit clip for a clip in the project tree. Note there is no application for video editing - because Kdenlive is the Video editor. Images and audio files are edited by the external appliations defined here. The video player is used by the DVD wizard previewer.


Configure the capture devices (Firwire, FFmpeg, Screen Grab, Blackmagic) from this section.

Jog Shuttle

Configure a connected Jog-Shuttle device.


Configure the Video and Audio drivers and devices. For advanced users only.
