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Revision as of 16:35, 5 April 2009 by Annew (talk | contribs) (Add materials from kontact.kde.org)
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The Future

The future of KOrganizer depends on you. As a true open-source project, KOrganizer has always greatly benefitted from feedback, suggestions and contributions from users, developers, translators and documentation writers. This will not change.

You want to report a bug to the KOrganizer team? You have a special feature request for KOrganizer? So don't hesitate to inform the KOrganizer team about the bugs and wishes you found. See the contact page for details.

Are you interested in becoming part of this exciting community and in bringing forward the Linux desktop? Plenty of new features await implementation, documentation, translation and testing. Any contributions are welcome. Have a look at the KDE PIM community web site to learn more about how to contribute to KOrganizer and the rest of the KDE PIM suite.