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How to install KDevelop


sudo apt-get install kdevelop


zypper install kdevelop

Arch Linux

KDevelop, KDevelop-php (with docs) and KDevelop-Python are in the [extra] repository. To install any just type:

pacman -S kdevelop
pacman -S kdevelop-php
pacman -S kdevelop-python


The latest version of KDevelop and KDevelop-php (with docs) packaged for Fedora is contained in the default repository and can be installed using:

yum install kdevelop


yum install kdevelop-php

or by installing the above packages through the Apper package manager.

Gentoo Linux

KDevelop, KDevelop-php (with docs) and KDevelop-Python are in the kde overlay. To install any just type:

layman -a kde
emerge -av kdevelop
pacman -av kdevelop-python

Microsoft Windows

No official binary releases for the Microsoft Windows platform available yet.

KDevelop can be compiled from source on Windows via KDE's Emerge tool. This tool will set up a development environment (including a Qt + KF5 build), and then compiles & install KDevelop. To get started, visit the Windows build instructions.

To compile & install kdevelop just type this into your command window:

emerge kdevelop

Run kdevelop by just typing


Mac OS X

There's a homebrew repository for Kate and KDevelop. See installation instructions there.

From Sources

You can compile it like any other KDE project: See the KDevelop-specific TechBase instructions instructions or the Getting_Started/Build general instructions general build instructions for KDE projects.