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Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline Menu/Insert Clip Zone

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Revision as of 08:32, 30 July 2019 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (formatting tweaks, make translatable, add Category:Kdenlive)

Insert Clip Zone in Timeline

This menu item is available in the Timeline Menu on the Insertion sub menu. Shortcut is V

Say you have a 10 sec. zone defined on a clip in Clip Monitor and on the timeline you have a 20 sec. zone defined somewhere. When you press V or select Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (overwrite) , it will insert the 10 sec. segment of the clip from the Clip Monitor at the beginning of the zone on the timeline. If there happens to be another clip there already, it will overwrite it, completely or partially, depending on how long the existing clip was.

Regions selected on time line and in clip monitor - blue regions.

Select Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (overwrite) and the section in the clip overwrites the section on the timeline