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Revision as of 11:48, 24 June 2020 by Ikoch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Die Farbe des blauen Ordner-Symbols ändern'''")

Falls Sie ein Systemadministrator sind, der ein KDE-System in seiner Organisation ausrollt oder wartet, sollten Sie unbedingt auch einen Blick in den Bereich KDE-System-Administration werfen.

Erste Schritte

Wie installiert man KDE Neon?

Wie installiert man KDE-Software?

Einige allgemeine Aufgaben erklärt

Diese Seite mit Begriffserklärungen erläutert einige Begriffe, die ihnen Möglicherweise unbekannt sind.

Erstellung von Tastatur-Kurzbefehlen
Eine Konsole öffnen
Zugriff auf den Bildschirm eines anderen Computers

Die Farbe des blauen Ordner-Symbols ändern

Mauszeiger-Einstellungen für große Bildschirme

Localization Settings

Change the language and the numeric, currency and time formats used by Plasma
Kimpanel Build a plasmoid for controlling input methods


Plasma Tips & Tricks
KRunner is an amazingly useful utility, launched either by Alt + F2, or by a right-click on the desktop, and selecting 'Run Command'. Now learn some of its uses
Learn how to configure the Plasma panel
Learn how to Create a look and feel package
Using with small screens (eg. Netbooks) Discusses several issues where screen space is at a premium.
Enabling Color Management in KWin.
How to configure keyboard actions for specific keys.
Learn how to Use Other Window Managers with Plasma.
How to manually enable Transparency And Blur.

File Management

Discover the various functionalities of the Dolphin file manager
How to manage compressed files in Dolphin using Ark for Archive Management
Transfer files from and to a server using ftp, sftp, webdav and the like
How to add an entry to the Create New menu

Web Browsers

Create mouse gestures for use with any browser
Browser configuration for Firefox. Learn how to make Firefox use the standard Open and Save dialog.


Learn how to manage your e-mail with KMail
How to sync your information using KOrganizer
Here is how to set up your favorite RSS in one place with Akregator
How to use Office365.com with Kontact
How to use Kolab with Kontact
How to use Nextcloud with Kontact


These tutorials are obsolete and need to be updated for calligra. If you know about how to use calligra, please help.

Basic Layout is a tutorial that creates a leaflet with various images and explaining text using KWord's frames technology. Several text frames and image frames will be created and positioned on the page.
A Second Layout experiments with placing, grouping and moving images within a text area.
A third Layout builds a page for a photo album.
Using the Artistic Text Shape is a tutorial that shows how to get started with the artistic text shape that all KOffice applications provide.
KWord Manual Tutorial on basic concepts of working in a frame-based environment, and detailed guides for all your WP needs.


How to work with MIDI synthesizing on Linux
How to burn an audio cd using K3b


Foto Anleitung 1-1: Tonwertkorrektur

Foto Anleitung 1-2: Gradation Kurvenanpassung

Foto Anleitung 1-3: Weißabgleich

Photo Tutorial 1-4: Brightness/Contrast/Gamma + Hue/Saturation/Lightness This tutorial explains how to adjust several aspects of your picture more thoroughly using digiKam.


Foto Anleitung 1-5: Korrektur der Perspektive

Korrigieren der Objektivverzerrung mit DigiKam


How to search in phone books using Klipper


Installing Marble on a Nokia N900
Setting up Offline Routing on a Nokia N900
Route Planning and Guidance Mode on a Nokia N900
How to create GPS Tracks using a mobile or GPS-enabled device
How to switch map themes and visualization
Using Bookmarks to mark your favorite places
Searching for places and points of interest


Compilation of useful commands for KDE Connect


Build your first KDE C++ Application with KDevelop on Kubuntu

How to get php documentation up to date in Quanta


Ändern der Standard Systemeinstellungen
Verwendung einer gemeinsamen Datenbank für KDE Anwendungen