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Talk:Typographical Guidelines

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Revision as of 10:15, 21 December 2021 by Claus chr (talk | contribs)
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Typographic conventions inside code tags

To denote replaceable portions of sample commands / literal code snippets, HTML5 provides the VAR tag which combines nicely with CODE (e.g. can be used between <code> </code> tags.) Typically that's a preferable way to add placeholders to sections of a command string that would otherwise be <code>-enclosed, since it avoids breaking up the <code> formatting.

So, take the example from "Combined Bold and Italic Text":

I have no idea why [email protected] is both bolded and italicized, since as far as I can tell the rules in previous sections don't call for bolding. Typically the placeholder (or "variable", hence VAR) elements would only be italicized, in which case <var> becomes ideal. Changing the source of that line to:

* To connect to your remote server, type <code>ssh <var>username</var>@<var>domain.name</var></code> in '''Konsole'''.

would lead to it formatting as:

  • To connect to your remote server, type ssh username@domain.name in Konsole.

Which seems much clearer and more readable. -- FeRDNYC (talk) 10:03, 19 December 2021 (UTC)

This page details some conventions that are recommended for use on all UserBase pages. The two previous sections details when bold or italic should be used separately; the section in question refers to the cases where the combination of bold and italic should be used, so there is no contradiction.

These guidelines have been in effect for many years and - like them or not - to change them would require a lot of work (there are more than a thousand pages not counting translations). Also note, that we generally use wiki-markup rather than html.

Claus chr (talk) 10:15, 21 December 2021 (UTC)