
From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 08:38, 21 August 2010 by Nikerabbit (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Sisältöselaimen käyttäminen')

Congratulations on installing Amarok, the most advanced music discovery software available. Amarok will help you explore your music, and enjoy it as never before. Also, you can tour different sources of music, radio stations and audio books online. In this guide, we'll show you how to let Amarok find your collection, play it for you, and also how to use Amarok to find things online. We'll assume that you know nothing about Amarok, but do know how to use menus, a mouse, and your keyboard.

  1. Alkuun pääseminen
    1. Amarokin käynnistäminen
    2. Amarokin sulkeminen
  2. Amarok-ikkuna
    1. Amarokin oletusasettelu
    2. Amarokin käyttäminen musiikin hallintaan ja soittamiseen
  3. Musiikkikokoelma
    1. Medialähteet -paneeli
    2. Kokoelman perustaminen
    3. Medialaitteiden liittäminen kokoelmaan
    4. Ripping a CD into the collection
    5. Muiden medialähteiden käyttäminen
    6. Virrat ja podcastit
    7. Sisältöselaimen käyttäminen
      1. Hiding or expanding information
      2. Changing the order of tracks and albums
      3. Deleting items from the collection
  4. Playlists
    1. The Playlist pane
    2. Adding music to a playlist
    3. Using the Toolbar
    4. Manipulating playlists
      1. Removing a track
      2. Using the Playlist tools at the bottom
    5. Saving and retrieving your favorite playlists
  5. The Context View
    1. Default layout
    2. Customizing the Context pane
  6. How to deal with problems
  7. Glossary