
From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 21:08, 4 August 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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Et netværks indstillinger indeholder et "Commands"-felt, som kan bruges til at køre inputlinjekommandoer ved opkobling til dette netværk. I dette felt kan man bruge en speciel variabel, "%nick", som erstattes med det aktuelle kendenavn. Dette kan kombineres med kommandoen /exec til at køre et eksternt script, som undersøger om kendenavnet er det ønskede nick, og hvis ikke, bruge Konversations DCOP IPC-interface til at sende kommandoen ghost til nickserv.

Hence, you would have to put something like this into the user-local scripts folder (~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts), under the name "getnickback", and mark it as executable:

For KDE 3.5 use this here

nick=********           # your desired nickanme
pass=********           # the according password

# don't edit below #


# if your current assigned nick isn't the same as your desired one, ghost yourself and change nick
if [ "$NICK" != "$nick" ]
  dcop $PORT default raw $SERVER "PRIVMSG nickserv :GHOST $nick $pass"
  dcop $PORT default raw $SERVER "/nick $nick"

# now identify yourself at the server
dcop $PORT default raw $SERVER "PRIVMSG nickserv :IDENTIFY $pass"
As KDE 4 has changed to dbus instead of dcop use this version for KDE 4

nick=********           # your desired nickanme
pass=********           # the according password

# don't edit below #


# if your current assigned nick isn't the same as your desired one, ghost yourself and change nick
if [ "$NICK" != "$nick" ]
  qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc raw $CONNECTION "PRIVMSG nickserv :GHOST $nick $pass"
  qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc raw $CONNECTION "NICK $nick"

# now identify yourself at the server
qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc raw $CONNECTION "PRIVMSG nickserv :IDENTIFY $pass"

Notice the nick and password settings you need to fill in as you need them to be. Then, into the network's "Commands" field put /exec getnickback %nick