
From KDE UserBase Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page KChart and the translation is 33% complete.

Historic page

This page is of historic interest only. The content of the page is obsolete.

The functionality of this app has been incorporated in the Calligra apps.

Prepare charts to embed in your documents and slideshows


KChart was the charting tool from KOffice and is still the charting tool from Calligra. In older version, KChart was a standalone application, now it's a part with KGantt of the KDiagram library used by other KDE applications (e.g. Calligra and KMyMoney)[1].


Features include:

  • Ease of use
    • Default values for all parameters are relative to window size
    • All parameters may be edited after drawing the chart
    • Choice of legend placement
    • Header and footer have font settings defined separately from other fonts

  • Multiple Chart types
    • Bar: normal | stacked | percent, 2D | 3D-Look
    • Line: normal | stacked | percent, line markers
    • Area: normal | stacked | percent
    • HiLo: normal | open-close
    • Box & Whiskers
    • Pie: normal | exploded, 2D | 3D
    • Ring
    • Polar: normal | stacked | percent
