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This page has been proposed for deletion for the following reason:
Unmaintained KDE4 app whose last change was in 2015:
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Home » Applications » Multimedia » KPlayer

Powerful player of audio and video, including TV support


KPlayer is a rich multimedia player, that uses the mplayer backend. With mplayer previously installed, KPlayer normally works "out-of-the-box". Its features include

  • Video or audio streams playable from
    • local file or URL
    • DVD, VCD, audio CD
    • TV and DVB
  • Full control of volume, brightness, etc.
  • Status and progress display and seeking
  • Library facility to organize your files or streams
  • Configuration dialogues.

A full description of the application is here, and the screenshot above, together with several others demonstrate some of its abilities.

The User Manual is availabe either in traditional style or as a printable html page