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New page: -=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=- You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org): = Community...
Updated channel #kwin -> #kde-kwin
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-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
<languages />
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

= Community/Support
== Getting Started with IRC == <!--T:16-->
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site&#039;s - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
= Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
= Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

=  Community/Support
Sometimes people will tell you that they can help you more if you visit an IRC channel.  If you've never done it before, that sounds scary, but it's easy to set upThere are even ways that will work equally well in Linux and in Windows.  [[Special:myLanguage/How_to_chat_with_other_KDE_users|How to chat with other KDE users]] tells you in detail one easy way to get started. Give it a try! More developers are on IRC than read mailing lists or any other help channel.
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site&#039;s - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it         - For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

= Community/Support
==Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels== <!--T:1-->
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site&#039;s - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

=  Community/Support
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://libera.chat/ Libera Chat] IRC Network:
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site&#039;s - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

=  Community/Support
{{Note| Depending on how your system or distribution configures your browser set to honor irc:// links, clicking on a channel name will start up your IRC client, connect to the server and join the channel. This behavior is browser and system specific.}}
* #kde  - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
* #kde-wiki  - This site&#039;s - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
=  Development
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        -  For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications
* #akregator  - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok  - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.de  - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es  - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate  - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact              - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete              - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc                - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
-=Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels=-
You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the [http://www.freenode.org/|freenode|nocache] IRC Network (alias irc.kde.org):

= Community/Support =
== Community/Support== <!--T:4-->
* #kde   - Main channel for KDE users
* #kde-users  - Alternative KDE users channel
{| class="wikitable sortable"
* #kdelook  - Make KDE look good. Really Good. [http://www.kde-look.org]
!Channels (click on the icon to sort)
* #debian-kde  - KDE on Debian [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKDE]
* #gentoo-kde  - KDE on Gentoo [http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde #kde] - Main channel for users of KDE software
* #kde-freebsd  - KDE on FreeBSD [http://freebsd.kde.org]
* #kde-be  - Belgian KDE channel [http://www.kde.be]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-devel #kde-devel] - For general KDE development
* #kde.de  - German KDE channel [http://www.kde.de]
* #kde-women  - KDE Women [http://women.kde.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-quality #kde-quality] - For KDE quality assurance
* #kde-wiki  - This site&#039;s - The KDE Wiki channel
* #kde-brasil  - Brasilian KDE channel
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-bugs #kde-bugs] - For KDE BugSquad
* #kde-es  - Spanish KDE
* #kde-nl  - KDE in the Netherlands
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-chat #kde-chat] - For Off-Topic discussions
* #kde-fr  - KDE in French
* #kde-ir  - KDE in Iran
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-docs #kde-docs] - Official KDE Documentation Project
= Development =
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-women #kde-women] - Women who use KDE software
* #kalyxo              - Debian KDE Integration
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-www #kde-www] - The channel for discussion regarding the KDE community web sites
* #kde-darwin          - KDE on Darwin/Mac [http://www.metapkg.org/wiki/22]
* #kde-devel            - For KDE and application developers [http://developer.kde.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-soc #kde-soc] - The channel for Google Summer of Code and Code In students
* #kde-commits  - Mirrors commits on kde-cvs mailing list [http://navi.picogui.org/cgi-bin/cia_stats.cgi]
* #kde-docs            - The channel of the KDE documentation team [http://i18n.kde.org/doc/index-script.php]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/visualdesign #visualdesign] - KDE V Design Group channel
* #kde-edu              - KDE Edutainment Project [http://edu.kde.org]
* #kde-usability - People involved with the KDE Usability Project [http://usability.kde.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-i18n #kde-i18n] - Localization team
* #khtml                        - khtml development
* #qt                  - The main underlying library of KDE [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/x11.html]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-promo #kde-promo] - Promotion and communication team
* #kde-devel-es        -  For KDE developers in spanish [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel-es]
* #kde-devel-it        - For KDE developers in Italian
* #kde-jp                - Japanese KDE developers
==Communities by Country== <!--T:6-->
* #kde-i18n            - For discussing internationalisation issues
* #kde-artists          - KDE artwork discussion
* #kde-www          - *.kde.org
See [https://community.kde.org/Local_Communities https://community.kde.org/Local_Communities] for a list of communication channels by local community.
* #mandriva-kde - integration of KDE into Mandriva Linux
=  Applications =
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Channels (click on the icon to sort)
* #akregator - Users and developers of aKregator [http://akregator.upnet.ru]
* #amarok   - Users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-ar #kde-ar] - KDE software in the Argentine
* #amarok.de - German users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
* #amarok.es - Spanish users and developers of Amarok [http://amarok.kde.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-be #kde-be] - KDE software in Belgium
* #rokymotion  - Promotion stuff of amarok [http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Promotion|http://amarok.kde.org]
* #apollon  - Users and developers of Apollon [http://apollon.sf.net]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-el #kde-el] - KDE software in Greece
* #kaxul  - Users and developers of KJSEmbed [http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed]
* #kate   - Users and developers of Kate [http://kate.kde.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-fi #kde-fi] - KDE software in Finland
* #kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS) [http://accessibility.kde.org]
* #kdevelop  - Users and developers of KDevelop [http://www.kdevelop.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-gl #kde-gl] - KDE software for Galician speakers
* #kdegames - Users and developers of KDE games [http://games.kde.org]
* #kexi  - Users and developers of Kexi [http://www.kexi-project.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde.hu #kde.hu] - KDE software for Hungarian speakers
* #kimdaba                      - Users and developers of KimDaBa [http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/]
* #koffice                      - Users and developers of KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-ir #kde-ir] - KDE software in Iran
* #konqueror          - Users and developers of Konqueror [http://konqueror.org]
* #kontact             - Users and developers of Kontact [http://www.kontact.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-pt #kde-latam] - KDE software in Latin America
* #konversation - Users and developers of Konversation [http://konversation.sf.net/]
* #kopete               - Users and developers of Kopete [http://kopete.kde.org]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-pt #kde-pt] - KDE software in Portugal
* #kpdf            - User ands developers of KPDF [http://kpdf.kde.org]
* #kplayer                      - Users and developers of KPlayer [http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/]
* #kvirc               - Users and developers of KVirc [http://www.kvirc.net/]
==Communities around a distribution== <!--T:8-->
* #quanta                      - Users and developers of Quanta+ [http://quanta.sourceforge.net]
* #showimg              - Users and developers of ShowImg [http://www.jalix.org/projects/showimg/]
Some problems are specific to the way individual distributions do things, so it's a good idea to find the IRC channels for your distribution as well.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Channels (click on the icon to sort)
|[irc://irc.debian.org/debian-kde #debian-kde] - KDE software on Debian. Note a different network: irc.debian.org also known as oftc.
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/exherbo-kde #exherbo-kde] - KDE software on Exherbo
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/fedora-kde #fedora-kde] - KDE software on Fedora
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/gentoo-kde #gentoo-kde] - KDE software on Gentoo
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/freebsd-desktop #freebsd-desktop] - KDE software on FreeBSD
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kubuntu #kubuntu] - KDE software on Kubuntu/Ubuntu
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kubuntu-es #kubuntu-es] - KDE software on Spanish Kubuntu/Ubuntu
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/mandriva-kde #mandriva-kde] - KDE software on Mandriva Linux
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/mageia-kde #mageia-kde] - KDE software on Mageia Linux
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-neon #kde-neon] - KDE software on KDE neon (Linux distribution)
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/opensuse-kde #opensuse-kde] - KDE software on openSUSE
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-windows #kde-windows] - KDE software on MS Windows
==Applications== <!--T:11-->
Any new channels should be called #kde-* to comply with Libera Chat guidelines, we however have many legacy channels due to the age of KDE.
If you would like a new official channel please see the [http://sysadmin.kde.org/services/irc/ IRC Services] page for details.
Note: some of these applications are not KDE projects. E.g. KVirc.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Channels (click on the icon to sort)
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/akonadi #akonadi] - Users and developers of Akonadi
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/akregator #akregator] - Users and developers of aKregator  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/amarok #amarok] - Users and developers of Amarok  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/amarok-de #amarok-de] - German users and developers of Amarok  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/amarok-es #amarok-es] - Spanish users and developers of Amarok  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/amarok-fr #amarok-fr] - French users and developers of Amarok
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/rokymotion #rokymotion] - Promotion stuff of Amarok
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/Calligra #Calligra] - Users and developers of Calligra
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/GCompris #gcompris] - Users and developers of GCompris
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kate #kate] - Users and developers of Kate  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-accessibility #kde-accessibility] - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS)
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-edu #kde-edu] - Users and developers of KDE's Educational programs
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-fm #kde-fm] - Users and developers of Dolphin and KIO
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kdevelop #kdevelop] - Users and developers of KDevelop
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-games #kde-games] - Users and developers of KDE's games
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-telepathy #kde-telepathy] - Users and developers of KDE-Telepathy
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kexi #kexi] - Users and developers of Kexi
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kmymoney #kmymoney] - Users and developers of KMyMoney
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kontact #kontact] - Users and developers of Kontact  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/konversation #konversation] - Users and developers of Konversation  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kopete #kopete] - Users and developers of Kopete
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kphotoalbum #kphotoalbum] - Users and developers of KPhotoAlbum
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/krita #krita] - Users and developers of Krita
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kvirc #kvirc] - Users and developers of KVirc  
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/kde-kwin #kde-kwin] - Users and developers of KWin
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/marble #marble] - Users and developers of Marble
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/okular #okular] - Users and developers of [[Special:myLanguage/Okular|Okular]]
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/plasma #plasma] - Users and developers of Plasma
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/choqok #choqok] - Users and developers of Choqok
|[irc://irc.libera.chat/yakuake #yakuake] - Users and developers of Yakuake
Note that more channels for applications appear from time to time and may be added to this list.  You can sort any list for ease of finding entries, by using the icon at the head of each list.
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[[Category:Getting Started]]

Latest revision as of 17:27, 26 November 2023

Getting Started with IRC

Sometimes people will tell you that they can help you more if you visit an IRC channel. If you've never done it before, that sounds scary, but it's easy to set up. There are even ways that will work equally well in Linux and in Windows. How to chat with other KDE users tells you in detail one easy way to get started. Give it a try! More developers are on IRC than read mailing lists or any other help channel.

Registered KDE-Related IRC-Channels

You can find the following KDE-related IRC channels in the Libera Chat IRC Network:


Depending on how your system or distribution configures your browser set to honor irc:// links, clicking on a channel name will start up your IRC client, connect to the server and join the channel. This behavior is browser and system specific.


Channels (click on the icon to sort)
#kde - Main channel for users of KDE software
#kde-devel - For general KDE development
#kde-quality - For KDE quality assurance
#kde-bugs - For KDE BugSquad
#kde-chat - For Off-Topic discussions
#kde-docs - Official KDE Documentation Project
#kde-women - Women who use KDE software
#kde-www - The channel for discussion regarding the KDE community web sites
#kde-soc - The channel for Google Summer of Code and Code In students
#visualdesign - KDE V Design Group channel
#kde-i18n - Localization team
#kde-promo - Promotion and communication team

Communities by Country

See https://community.kde.org/Local_Communities for a list of communication channels by local community.

Channels (click on the icon to sort)
#kde-ar - KDE software in the Argentine
#kde-be - KDE software in Belgium
#kde-el - KDE software in Greece
#kde-fi - KDE software in Finland
#kde-gl - KDE software for Galician speakers
#kde.hu - KDE software for Hungarian speakers
#kde-ir - KDE software in Iran
#kde-latam - KDE software in Latin America
#kde-pt - KDE software in Portugal

Communities around a distribution

Some problems are specific to the way individual distributions do things, so it's a good idea to find the IRC channels for your distribution as well.

Channels (click on the icon to sort)
#debian-kde - KDE software on Debian. Note a different network: irc.debian.org also known as oftc.
#exherbo-kde - KDE software on Exherbo
#fedora-kde - KDE software on Fedora
#gentoo-kde - KDE software on Gentoo
#freebsd-desktop - KDE software on FreeBSD
#kubuntu - KDE software on Kubuntu/Ubuntu
#kubuntu-es - KDE software on Spanish Kubuntu/Ubuntu
#mandriva-kde - KDE software on Mandriva Linux
#mageia-kde - KDE software on Mageia Linux
#kde-neon - KDE software on KDE neon (Linux distribution)
#opensuse-kde - KDE software on openSUSE
#kde-windows - KDE software on MS Windows


Any new channels should be called #kde-* to comply with Libera Chat guidelines, we however have many legacy channels due to the age of KDE.

If you would like a new official channel please see the IRC Services page for details.

Note: some of these applications are not KDE projects. E.g. KVirc.

Channels (click on the icon to sort)
#akonadi - Users and developers of Akonadi
#akregator - Users and developers of aKregator
#amarok - Users and developers of Amarok
#amarok-de - German users and developers of Amarok
#amarok-es - Spanish users and developers of Amarok
#amarok-fr - French users and developers of Amarok
#rokymotion - Promotion stuff of Amarok
#Calligra - Users and developers of Calligra
#gcompris - Users and developers of GCompris
#kate - Users and developers of Kate
#kde-accessibility - Users and developers of accessibility apps, including KDE Text-to-Speech (KTTS)
#kde-edu - Users and developers of KDE's Educational programs
#kde-fm - Users and developers of Dolphin and KIO
#kdevelop - Users and developers of KDevelop
#kde-games - Users and developers of KDE's games
#kde-telepathy - Users and developers of KDE-Telepathy
#kexi - Users and developers of Kexi
#kmymoney - Users and developers of KMyMoney
#kontact - Users and developers of Kontact
#konversation - Users and developers of Konversation
#kopete - Users and developers of Kopete
#kphotoalbum - Users and developers of KPhotoAlbum
#krita - Users and developers of Krita
#kvirc - Users and developers of KVirc
#kde-kwin - Users and developers of KWin
#marble - Users and developers of Marble
#okular - Users and developers of Okular
#plasma - Users and developers of Plasma
#choqok - Users and developers of Choqok
#yakuake - Users and developers of Yakuake

Note that more channels for applications appear from time to time and may be added to this list. You can sort any list for ease of finding entries, by using the icon at the head of each list.

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