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== Stable == <!--T:1-->
{{Note|This page lists binary (installation) copies of the Calligra Suite 2 prepared for users. You can also download its full [http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Building#Getting_the_Source_Code source code].}}

== Stable Release == <!--T:48-->
There is no stable release of '''Calligra''' yet, but stable versions of the application can be found in '''KOffice''' which is the predecessor of '''Calligra'''. For downloads of '''KOffice''' see the [[Special:myLanguage/KOffice/Download|KOffice Download page]].

== Unstable == <!--T:3-->
Calligra '''{{Calligra/Stable}}''' is the current stable version. '''Please install the newest possible version, older versions will not be fully supported. Really old versions such as 2.4 are not supported at all.'''

=== Linux === <!--T:11-->
Usage of unstable version is not recommended by the '''Calligra''' team.

=== Arch Linux === <!--T:11-->
Please pick your distribution.
==== Arch Linux ==== <!--T:91-->

Arch Linux provides Calligra packages in the kde-unstable repository.
Arch Linux provides Calligra packages in the '''[extra]''' repository.
==== Chakra ==== <!--T:43-->
Chakra provides Calligra packages in the desktop repository.
The Chakra [http://chakra-project.org/get LiveDVD] comes with the latest Calligra pre-installed.
==== Debian ==== <!--T:24-->
Debian provides Calligra packages in its [https://packages.debian.org/source/bookworm/calligra main repository]. Please note that older Debian versions may not have the most up-to-date version of Calligra.
==== Fedora ====
Fedora packages for Calligra are available in the [http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/ unstable repository] of the KDE Packaging Project.
==== Gentoo ==== <!--T:15-->
Gentoo has Calligra packaged in Portage: [http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-office/calligra packages.gentoo.org]
==== Kubuntu ==== <!--T:7-->
Calligra 2.8 is available in 14.04 version and newer.  This can be used in any Ubuntu flavour.
It's also available in the [http://www.kubuntu.org/news/calligra-2.8 Kubuntu Backports PPA for 12.04 LTS and 13.10].
==== openSUSE ==== <!--T:5-->
The easiest way to install Calligra on openSUSE is by going to http://software.opensuse.org/package/calligra. Please note, this page may present outdated unmaintained Calligra. In such cases, first click on the ''Show other versions'' link and select a newer version.
'''openSUSE Build Service.''' Calligra packages are available from the [https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?package=calligra&project=KDE:Extra KDE:Extra] repository for openSUSE 12.x and 13.x.
Unstable packages based on GIT snapshots are also available from the [https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?package=calligra&project=KDE:Unstable:Extra KDE:Unstable:Extra] repository. '''Use with care'''
Furthermore, packages including Calligra Gemini, which require software not commonly available in openSUSE, are available from [https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:leinir:calligragemini/calligra calligragemini] repository for openSUSE 13.1, 13.2 and Factory.
Visit [http://en.opensuse.org/KDE_repositories#What.27s_available http://en.opensuse.org/KDE_repositories] to find which repository fits your needs.
==== ROSA Marathon 2012 ==== <!--T:58-->
ROSA Marathon provides Calligra in the contrib repository.
Please go to the [http://www.kogmbh.com/download.html Download Page].
==== Other Linuxes ==== <!--T:94-->

=== Fedora === <!--T:20-->
Fedora is working on packages and expects them to be available soon.
If you're still looking for packages, try a packages search service such as [https://pkgs.org/search/?q=calligra pkgs.org].

=== FreeBSD === <!--T:13-->
=== FreeBSD === <!--T:13-->

Packages are available in [http://freebsd.kde.org/area51.php area51]
FreeBSD features stable packages in the ports tree via <tt>[http://freshports.org/editors/calligra editors/calligra]</tt>, and development ones in [http://FreeBSD.kde.org/area51.php area51] via <tt>[http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/CALLIGRA/editors/calligra CALLIGRA/editors/calligra]</tt>.
=== Mac OS X ===
*Installer for Krita is provided by the Krita Foundation at https://krita.org/download/krita-desktop/.
== Unstable Release ==
Calligra '''{{Calligra/Unstable}} {{Calligra/Stage}}''' is the current unstable (development) version.
=== Linux === <!--T:89-->
==== Arch Linux ==== <!--T:55--> 
Arch Linux provides unstable Calligra packages in the '''[kde-unstable]''' repository.

=== Gentoo === <!--T:15-->
==== Fedora ==== <!--T:50-->

Gentoo has Calligra packaged in Portage, tagged as unstable.
Fedora packages are available in the rawhide development repo ([http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Rawhide]), and unofficial builds are available for prior releases from kde-unstable repo at [http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/] .

=== OpenSUSE === <!--T:5-->
==== openSUSE ==== <!--T:53-->

* Packages are available from the [https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=KDE%3AUnstable%3APlayground unstable playground repository].
* Git snapshots are available from the [https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?package=calligra&project=KDE%3AUnstable%3APlayground unstable playground repository].

* Daily build git snapshots are provided [https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=calligra&project=KDE%3AActive here] (note a focus on mobile/Plasma Active for these packages)
* Daily build git snapshots are provided [https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=calligra&project=KDE%3AActive here] (note a focus on mobile/Plasma Active for these packages)

=== Ubuntu === <!--T:7-->
Visit [http://en.opensuse.org/KDE_repositories#What.27s_available http://en.opensuse.org/KDE_repositories] to find which repository fits your needs.

==== Ubuntu ====
Ubuntu users can get a nightly build of '''Calligra''' with the [https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon Project Neon], you need to add ppa:neon/ppa to your <tt>sources.list</tt> and install project-neon-calligra package.
Ubuntu users can get a nightly build of '''Calligra''' with the [https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon Project Neon], you need to add ppa:neon/ppa to your <tt>sources.list</tt> and install project-neon-calligra package.
{{Warning|"Be warned though, stuff here is REALLY unstable, we do not guarantee it will work all the time and won't eat you data, use at your own risk. Now that we have warned you, enjoy!" [https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon Project Neon wiki page]}}

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In order to run the installed packages you have to logout and choose "Project Neon" from the login screen. Neon always has the latest version, not necessarily the beta releases.
In order to run the installed packages you have to logout and choose "Project Neon" from the login screen. Neon always has the latest version, not necessarily the beta releases.

==== ROSA Marathon 2012 ==== <!--T:60-->  
Alternatively, you can use this ppa, which packages only the beta's:
ROSA users can get the packages for development versions of '''Calligra''' from personal repository on ABF. To add it on your system run the following commands:
for i586 users
{{Input|1=<nowiki>urpmi.addmedia ach_personal http://abf.rosalinux.ru/downloads/ach_personal/repository/rosa2012lts/i586/main/release
for x86_64 users
{{Input|1=<nowiki>urpmi.addmedia ach_personal http://abf.rosalinux.ru/downloads/ach_personal/repository/rosa2012lts/x86_64/main/release
=== FreeBSD ===
Calligra ports are available in [http://freebsd.kde.org/area51.php Area51].
=== MS Windows === <!--T:96-->
Installers exist for Windows but are out of date or incomplete. By using an out of date (stable) installer to do a system install, followed by the newer incomplete installer to do a user install you get the most stable yet up to date version of the complete package possible, however breakage may occur as new features are worked on in nightlies before cross-platform bugs are fixed.
Installer for the prior version of Calligra Gemini can still be found on KDE's download network. This version is for Windows Vista and above, and recommended for the "best" experience with automatic interface switching, like in a Intel 2-in-1 Ultrabook, or Microsoft Surface.
* 64 bit version: [http://download.kde.org/stable/calligra-2.9.6/calligragemini_x64_2.9.6.0.msi.mirrorlist http://download.kde.org/stable/calligra-2.9.6/calligragemini_x64_2.9.6.0.msi.mirrorlist]:</translate>
* 32 bit version: [http://download.kde.org/stable/calligra-2.9.6/calligragemini_x86_2.9.6.0.msi.mirrorlist http://download.kde.org/stable/calligra-2.9.6/calligragemini_x86_2.9.6.0.msi.mirrorlist]:</translate>
{{Note|1=These packages also includes binaries for Words and Stage, but lack shortcuts for them.}}
Status for other Calligra apps:
Up to date Calligra Karbon, Calligra Sheets, and Calligra Words desktop versions are included in:</translate>
*64 bit nightlies available at:
[https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Calligra_Nightly_win64/ https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Calligra_Nightly_win64/]:
*32 bit nightlies available at:
[https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Calligra_Nightly_win32/ https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Calligra_Nightly_win32/]:</translate>
{{Note|1=Gemini and Plans are incomplete and non functional in these builds as of March 2019}}
Installer for Krita is provided by the Krita Foundation at https://krita.org/download/krita-desktop/
Krita Gemini is considered obsolete, but is available on the steam store. Successful features from the Gemini fork may be added to future releases of Krita.     

== Debug Symbols == <!--T:66-->

=== Debian === <!--T:24-->
=== What are debugging symbols, and why are they important? === <!--T:67-->

The qt-kde debian project has packages available as well now, thanks to Adrien. Just follow these instructions:
When a program is compiled with special switches to generate debugging symbols (the -g compiler switch) extra information is stored in the program file. This information can be used to generate a stack trace that contains much more information, such as the exact line number of the source file where things went wrong. Without this information it is very hard to figure out what went wrong by looking at the stack trace.  

According to the webpage (http://qt-kde.debian.net/), You have to
{{Note|Some distributions offer debug symbols in separate packages as listed below. Use them if you want to support the developers with better bug reports.}}
add the following to your <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt>:

{{Input|1=<nowiki>deb http://qt-kde.debian.net/debian experimental-snapshots main
More info on back traces is available on [http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports#Backtraces KDE Techbase].
deb-src http://qt-kde.debian.net/debian experimental-snapshots main</nowiki>}}

In order to get repository key, install the pkg-kde-archive-keyring

{{Input|1=aptitude install pkg-kde-archive-keyring}}

===Debug symbols for Ubuntu/Debian === <!--T:71-->
then you can install '''Calligra''' with :

{{Input|1=apt-get install calligra}}
Please install package <code>calligra-dbg</code> to receive debug symbols for whole '''Calligra''' code.

===Debug symbols for Fedora=== <!--T:73-->

=== Windows === <!--T:21-->
[http://www.kogmbh.com/ KO GmbH] will release a windows build of this beta version very soon. This page will be updated when that happens.
As explained in the [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/StackTraces#Installing_debuginfo_RPMs_using_yum Installing debuginfo RPMs using yum] section, use <code>debuginfo-install calligra</code> command.


Latest revision as of 07:13, 3 May 2024


This page lists binary (installation) copies of the Calligra Suite 2 prepared for users. You can also download its full source code.

Stable Release

Calligra 3.1.0 is the current stable version. Please install the newest possible version, older versions will not be fully supported. Really old versions such as 2.4 are not supported at all.


Please pick your distribution.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux provides Calligra packages in the [extra] repository.


Chakra provides Calligra packages in the desktop repository.

The Chakra LiveDVD comes with the latest Calligra pre-installed.


Debian provides Calligra packages in its main repository. Please note that older Debian versions may not have the most up-to-date version of Calligra.


Fedora packages for Calligra are available in the unstable repository of the KDE Packaging Project.


Gentoo has Calligra packaged in Portage: packages.gentoo.org


Calligra 2.8 is available in 14.04 version and newer. This can be used in any Ubuntu flavour.

It's also available in the Kubuntu Backports PPA for 12.04 LTS and 13.10.


The easiest way to install Calligra on openSUSE is by going to http://software.opensuse.org/package/calligra. Please note, this page may present outdated unmaintained Calligra. In such cases, first click on the Show other versions link and select a newer version.

openSUSE Build Service. Calligra packages are available from the KDE:Extra repository for openSUSE 12.x and 13.x. Unstable packages based on GIT snapshots are also available from the KDE:Unstable:Extra repository. Use with care

Furthermore, packages including Calligra Gemini, which require software not commonly available in openSUSE, are available from calligragemini repository for openSUSE 13.1, 13.2 and Factory.

Visit http://en.opensuse.org/KDE_repositories to find which repository fits your needs.

ROSA Marathon 2012

ROSA Marathon provides Calligra in the contrib repository.

Please go to the Download Page.

Other Linuxes

If you're still looking for packages, try a packages search service such as pkgs.org.


FreeBSD features stable packages in the ports tree via editors/calligra, and development ones in area51 via CALLIGRA/editors/calligra.

Mac OS X

Unstable Release

Calligra 3.2.0 Alpha is the current unstable (development) version.


Arch Linux

Arch Linux provides unstable Calligra packages in the [kde-unstable] repository.


Fedora packages are available in the rawhide development repo ([1]), and unofficial builds are available for prior releases from kde-unstable repo at [2] .


  • Daily build git snapshots are provided here (note a focus on mobile/Plasma Active for these packages)

Visit http://en.opensuse.org/KDE_repositories to find which repository fits your needs.


Ubuntu users can get a nightly build of Calligra with the Project Neon, you need to add ppa:neon/ppa to your sources.list and install project-neon-calligra package.


"Be warned though, stuff here is REALLY unstable, we do not guarantee it will work all the time and won't eat you data, use at your own risk. Now that we have warned you, enjoy!" Project Neon wiki page

This script installs project neon and calligra:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa \
 && sudo apt-get update\
 && sudo apt-get install project-neon-base \
   project-neon-calligra \

In order to run the installed packages you have to logout and choose "Project Neon" from the login screen. Neon always has the latest version, not necessarily the beta releases.

ROSA Marathon 2012

ROSA users can get the packages for development versions of Calligra from personal repository on ABF. To add it on your system run the following commands:

for i586 users

urpmi.addmedia ach_personal http://abf.rosalinux.ru/downloads/ach_personal/repository/rosa2012lts/i586/main/release

for x86_64 users

urpmi.addmedia ach_personal http://abf.rosalinux.ru/downloads/ach_personal/repository/rosa2012lts/x86_64/main/release


Calligra ports are available in Area51.

MS Windows

Installers exist for Windows but are out of date or incomplete. By using an out of date (stable) installer to do a system install, followed by the newer incomplete installer to do a user install you get the most stable yet up to date version of the complete package possible, however breakage may occur as new features are worked on in nightlies before cross-platform bugs are fixed.

Installer for the prior version of Calligra Gemini can still be found on KDE's download network. This version is for Windows Vista and above, and recommended for the "best" experience with automatic interface switching, like in a Intel 2-in-1 Ultrabook, or Microsoft Surface.


These packages also includes binaries for Words and Stage, but lack shortcuts for them.

Status for other Calligra apps: Up to date Calligra Karbon, Calligra Sheets, and Calligra Words desktop versions are included in:

  • 64 bit nightlies available at:


  • 32 bit nightlies available at:



Gemini and Plans are incomplete and non functional in these builds as of March 2019

Installer for Krita is provided by the Krita Foundation at https://krita.org/download/krita-desktop/

Krita Gemini is considered obsolete, but is available on the steam store. Successful features from the Gemini fork may be added to future releases of Krita.

Debug Symbols

What are debugging symbols, and why are they important?

When a program is compiled with special switches to generate debugging symbols (the -g compiler switch) extra information is stored in the program file. This information can be used to generate a stack trace that contains much more information, such as the exact line number of the source file where things went wrong. Without this information it is very hard to figure out what went wrong by looking at the stack trace.


Some distributions offer debug symbols in separate packages as listed below. Use them if you want to support the developers with better bug reports.

More info on back traces is available on KDE Techbase.

Debug symbols for Ubuntu/Debian

Please install package calligra-dbg to receive debug symbols for whole Calligra code.

Debug symbols for Fedora

As explained in the Installing debuginfo RPMs using yum section, use debuginfo-install calligra command.