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Spectacle/da: Difference between revisions

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
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== Funktioner ==  
== Funktioner ==  

===Screenshot another picture===
=== Tag en andet skærmbillede ===

Perhaps you did not like the image that was taken. Luckily you can easily snap another screenshot by clicking on the <menuchoice>Take a New Screenshot</menuchoice> button, as outlined in the picture at the top of this page.
Perhaps you did not like the image that was taken. Luckily you can easily snap another screenshot by clicking on the <menuchoice>Take a New Screenshot</menuchoice> button, as outlined in the picture at the top of this page.

Revision as of 14:06, 2 July 2019

Spectacle er et program til at lave skærmbilleder


Har du nogen sinde villet vise verden, hvor fantastisk KDE's software er, det sidste niveau i et spil du endelig har vundet eller måske dit virtuelle akvarium? Spectacle kan fange ethvert af disse øjeblikke og endda lade dig tilpasse, hvordan det endelige billede kommer til at se ud, når det gemmes.


Hvis det allerede er indstillet kan du starte Spectacle med Print Screen-tasten (også kaldet Ptr sc). Derudover kan du:

  • Angive den globale tastaturgenvej i Systemindstillinger Genveje -> Brugervalgte genveje -> Skærmbilleder.


Tag en andet skærmbillede

Perhaps you did not like the image that was taken. Luckily you can easily snap another screenshot by clicking on the Take a New Screenshot button, as outlined in the picture at the top of this page.

Save the image

What use would this program be if you couldn't save your image afterwards? Spectacle allows you to save your picture in many file formats. Below is a list of all of them;

  • Windows BMP image (.bmp)
  • EPS image (.eps)
  • JPEG-2000 image (.jp2)
  • JPEG image (.jpeg)
  • MNG animation (.mng)
  • PBM image (.pbm)
  • PCX image (.pcx)
  • Softimage PIC image (.pic)
  • PNG image (.png)
  • PGM image (.pgm)
  • PPM image (.ppm)
  • RGB image (.rgb)
  • TGA image (.tga)
  • TIFF image (.tif)
  • WBMP image (.wbmp)
  • XBM image (.xbm)
  • XPM image (.xpm)

With regard to what format you should save your image as, this depends on your needs. The most common image formats found today are PNG and JPEG. The other formats are still useful for various other uses.

Export Image

This allows you to open the image in an external application (such as KolourPaint or Krita). Perhaps you wish to edit the image or add something to it. Using an external application in this scenario would be a good idea. The image may also be printed.

Using KIPI plugins, the image be sent to a contact by e-mail or Kopete, sent to an online gallery such as Flickr or PicasaWeb, or sent to a social networking site, such as Facebook.

Copy to clipboard

This means that you will be able to paste the image (generally Ctrl + V) into another program or document that supports image pasting.

Capture mode

This will further change how the image will look when it's finally saved. Options here include;

  • Full Screen (All Monitors): Everything is captured
  • Current Screen: Everything on the current screen is captured
  • Active Window: Active Window contents
  • Window under cursor: Window contents below the cursor
  • Rectangular Region: Capture a rectangular region

Screenshot delay

Set a timer here (in seconds). For example putting this up to 10 seconds will make Spectacle wait 10 seconds until the screenshot is taken. This is particularly useful if you need to capture drop-down menus, or anything else that only responds to a mouse action.


More Information
